I was born in Manhattan, New York, in 1941, to loving parents and a wonderful extended family. After eighteen years of adventuresome youthfulness, I settled down a bit and went to college full-time for the next ten years of my life, eventually graduating with a Ph.D. degree in the sciences. I then entered the corporate world, married, fathered two wonderful children, lived in a nice country home in Connecticut, and enjoyed a very successful career in R&D management..

Beginning in 1985, life began to unravel for me in ways that were totally unexpected and beyond my control. By 1991, more crises came into my life out of the blue, and they threatened the secure world I helped create for my family and myself. These events would last for many years and leave my everyday reality in utter turmoil.

Just as the crises of 1991 began to intensify, a major synchronous event occurred when I was gifted with a book titled Seth Speaks. It would awaken a profound and enduring spiritual journey of Self-discovery; one that would forever change the course of my life.


Soon thereafter, my inner and outer worlds were turned inside out and upside down after reading more than 400 New Age/esoteric books, and undergoing an intense Dark Night of the Soul experience that lasted seven long and painful years.  

In spite of my best efforts to find a source of income, by the end of 1998 I was destitute, severely depressed, and unable to function normally in everyday life. Understandably, my marriage dissolved, I found myself without a home and family life, and I was dependent upon others for my daily needs.  

In spite of all the suffering and depression I experienced, it brought me closer to God in ways I could not imagine. Unable to fend for myself, I surrendered my life to God's will and care, Who then became the sole source of my sustenance and security. Several weeks later, a miraculous synchronous event occurred!

In early 1991, I was contacted by a professional friend whom I hadn't heard from in more than ten years. The company he represented offered me a very lucrative consulting assignment that lasted thirteen years. Thankfully, I was able to help my former partner and children because of it.


At the same time, I also felt a very strong calling to serve humanity. I launched this website to help others awaken to who they really are, involved myself with various social activism projects, collected clothes for the homeless and, to this day, continue to raise awareness about the struggles that planet Earth and humanity are going through.

Today, as we enter the beginning of the 2020s, I live in Connecticut near my children and grandchildren. We have healed as a family and I'm truly grateful for that. My inner journey continues, I do what I can to be of service to humanity and, most importantly, I remain close to God.


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