Just recently an interesting discovery was announced by scientists who unraveled the mystery of the human genome... the entire DNA genetic code that defines everything about our physical make up. 

This complex material is not only found in every cell of our body, but in all living things. 

In simplistic terms, one can think of our DNA as two strands of a pearl necklace twisted around each other and held together by chemical bonds. Each pearl represents a gene that is responsible for part of what you are, such as eye color, hair texture, whether one is male or female, etc. 

Every part of your body can be traced back to the genes that defined you when one sperm from your father, containing 1/2 of the "pearl necklace" united with one of your mother's eggs containing the other half. At that sacred moment in time, the combination of the two DNA halves provided all the information necessary to define, create and sustain the physical you...and pass your traits to your offspring.

DNA sequences of humans and other living things have now been compared. Here are some very surprising insights we have at this time from that effort...

A tiny fruit fly has 13,601 genes.

Although estimates still fluctuate, as of today (2016), it appears we humans have in the range of 20,000 to 25,000 genes. 

There is hardly any uniqueness to our human genes. For example, our genes are the same as 99% of those found in chimpanzees and are common to 70% of those found in mice.

Many human genes have similar or identical functions as genes found in other living organisms, both complex and simple.

All of the information that is available about DNA today leads scientists to conclude that there was a common source for the DNA that has found its way into every living thing on this planet. 

One can say that our DNA is in many ways a general blend of all other DNA that exists, with one big exception.

What continues to mystify scientists is that there appears to be dozens of genes in human DNA that are not found in any other living organisms.

This raises two profound questions: how did we inherit this package of human-only genes and from whom?

I am open-mined enough to consider the possibility that mysterious genes may have found their way into our DNA code as a result of extraterrestrial influence. So do some other scientists, who suggest that humans may have an extraterrestrial stamp embedded in our genetic code.

This is the best anecdotal information I can provide at this time. Here's more...

Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce, said that humans set foot on this planet some 10 million years ago. Below are selected comments from his in-trance readings and one concerning an ET connection...

"in the land now known as Utah or Nevada, when the first peoples were separated into groups as families... The entity developed much and gave much to the people who were to succeed in that land, and in the ruins as are found in the mounds and caves in the northwestern portion of New Mexico may be seen some of the drawings the entity made, some ten million years ago." (2665-2, July 17, 1925)

The numbers of human souls then in the earth plane being a hundred and thirty three million... The period in the world's existence from the present time being ten and one-half million years ago..." (5748-1; May 28, 1925)

The next time period mentioned by Cayce for human existence on earth was about 100,000 years ago, during the time of Atlantis. That leaves a big gap of time for which he provides no information regarding past human activity and ETs on planet earth.

Did Edgar Cayce ever mention extraterrestrials? Yes he did. He gave a reading for one of his patients, who evidently lived during the time of the Mayans. In trance, he describes physical changes taking place on earth and mentions the "visitors." Cayce said:

"It was just before that period when those as from the east had come, and there were the beginnings of the unfoldments of the understanding that there were other portions of the same land, or those that were visiting from other worlds or planets…" (1616 - 1:27)

Nancy Red Star

Here is more information on past human and ET interaction. The following excerpt was taken from the back cover of the book, Star Ancestors by Nancy Red Star, a daughter of the Cherokee...

"The creation stories of Indian people say 'We come from the stars'; evidence of Indian contact with ETs has been carved on rocks and hides, choreographed in sacred dances, and beaded on wampum belts over many thousands of years. In Mayan temple rituals, in the tobacco blessing, in crop circle formations and petroglyph inscriptions, the contact continues."

Further information from the book's back cover says that these Star Beings will play a vital role at the present crossroads of earth history.

This book is filled with the wisdom of many Native Americans who are far more educated, sophisticated and aware then we may think. They stress their cosmic heritage, especially with the Pleiades. They also state that the ETs helped humanity in the distant past by saving portions of civilizations from total annihilation. And they are here with us today.


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