of Inner Change and
Personal Transformation
You sense that something big
is happening
Earth these days
Your inner voice tells you
change is coming
You feel a restlessness stirring deep within
You find yourself searching
for a deeper meaning
and purpose to life
Struggling for survival and happiness
in the material world just doesn't
satisfy you anymore
More and more you are becoming
bored and frustrated
with the
routines of everyday life
You no longer
feel connected or attached to things,
places, or even people you once felt close to
Your career or personal relationships
with other people
don't feel
the same anymore
Your hunger for the material comforts
and pleasures of life
leaves you
feeling empty and incomplete
You are beginning to realize that
lasting peace and happiness
is an inner thing
You find
yourself breaking ties
with all things physical
You find yourself looking into the
spiritual or
for a greater sense of
direction and meaning to life
Tests of personal,
financial or physical
hardship have found their
way into your life
Perhaps you
suffer through periods of profound doubt,
dissociation, loss of orientation,
and a profound sense of loss
Heavy foods
such as beef, rich deserts,
and the like no longer feel right and
lower your vibrations
You often find yourself wondering...who am I,
what am I really doing here, or
what is
my real purpose on this planet?
Perhaps your feelings are becoming more intense,
that you cry or become overly emotional
for no good reason
You feel that time is speeding
Sometimes you
question your own sanity, but there
is a knowingness deep within that says
you are on the right path
You find
yourself going through a personal cleansing
process where old belief systems are
weeded out from your inner being
At times you feel exhausted
for no apparent reason
Other times you find
it difficult to focus on
your job or other types of work
Your traditional belief system
is showing signs
of upheaval, and
you find yourself
detaching from it
You find
yourself in career crisis, and are perhaps seeking
employment and professional fulfillment in an
entirely new area or a series of unfocused
projects that have little
substance to them
You feel a
sense of separation
from family and friends
things no longer are a
source of security for you
For some, it seems
that your
entire world is falling apart
You begin to look at things in a
much different
Some days everything
seems to go right...
other days everything seemingly goes wrong
You no longer
seem concerned
with financial security
You trust in
the knowingness of your Higher Self,
and in the notion that the spiritual
journey is one's true path
Your old life is dying, while at
the same
time a new life is emerging
You find yourself very uncomfortable
presence of negative energy
Religious dogmas
that have motivated
you through fear and guilt
no longer feel right
You find
yourself waiting for signs
More and more you
feel out of touch, out
of sync, with the rest of the world
You no longer find
meaning in your work
Your life has recently gone through upheaval,
in the form of a health crisis,
loss, career failure, divorce,
a broken relationship
You feel that your vibration is
increasing, and that things such
as traffic, noisy malls, busy highways, bustling
violent movies, and other kinds of negative
energies lower your vibrations
You now find that attachments to any
all things put limitations on you...
that your sense of freedom
is diminished
You find yourself detaching from the rat race,
material possessions, negative relationships,
and old belief systems that don't
serve you well anymore
You no longer feel connected to consensus reality
You find yourself seeking ways to
inner peace and simplicity of life
You feel that
you live in and sense two different realities
simultaneously: The 3-dimensional material reality
your old self used to occupy, and a new reality
of higher vibration and
spirituality that
you find yourself
shifting into

Feel good if you
can relate to the symptoms
of personal transformation!
There are profound changes
place on
our planet these days
Mother Earth's
vibrations grow stronger every
day, and they are reaching higher
and higher elevations
As that happens, you
will experience
profound changes within yourself
change is happening for many of us
a greater sense of the spiritual is awakening
in the mass consciousness of humanity

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