The Mysterious Dogon Tribe
of West Africa

In 1976, Robert Temple wrote a book called The Sirius Mystery. The first sentence of the book is enough to raise the eyebrows and get anyone's attention:

"The question which this book poses is: Has Earth in the past been visited by intelligent beings from the region of the star Sirius?"

Robert Temple is a highly educated man. He attended the University of Pennsylvania from which he received his degree in Oriental Studies and Sanskrit. He is a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and has authored several books. When one reads The Sirius Mystery, which was painstakingly researched for 7 years prior to being written, it is easy to tell he has done his homework well. In short , he is a seeker of truth.

Temple's interest in the Dogon Tribe started when he came across information published in African Worlds by Arthur Young during the 1960's. That book contained a chapter written by two French archaeologists, Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen.. They had spent many years living among the Dogon who can be found in upper west Africa (currently Mali) and whose roots go back at least 5000 years on this planet.

What caught Temple's eye was a section of the chapter that dealt with the religious fascination and sacred reverence the Dogon had for the Star system Sirius. Griaule and Dieterlen wrote that:

"The question has not been solved, nor even asked, of how men with no instruments at their disposal could know the movements and certain characteristics of stars which are scarcely visible."   

What did the primitive Dogon know that was passed down generation to generation for thousands of years?

Their culture and secret traditions were built around the extraordinary knowledge they had of the star Sirius (Sirius is the brightest star in the sky that can be seen with the naked eye).

But their real focus was on a much smaller star they called "Digitaria" which have know for thousands of years revolved around the main Sirius star. (Please note that this tiny star cannot be seen with the naked eye).

Our astronomers first discovered the existence of Digitaria during the last century with the use of the telescope. Furthermore, the first time this star was photographed was in 1970 by the U.S. Naval Observatory.

The Dogon have also known that Digitaria revolved around Sirius every 50 years (this has been confirmed in recent times by our own scientists).

The Dogon regard Digitaria as the "smallest and heaviest of all the stars" (this has recently been confirmed, e.g. this tiny star is now known to be a white dwarf.

The Dogon knew that the shape of the orbit of Digitaria around Sirius was not circular but egg-shaped or elliptical (which has recently been confirmed).

The Dogon knew that the star Sirius was not at the center of the ellipse but way off to one side (which has recently been confirmed). This is incredible given the fact that in order to achieve an elliptical orbit of one object around another the larger of the two objects has to be off center! We only began to understand this principal several hundred years ago.

The Dogon have known that Digitaria rotates on its axis demonstrating that they know a star can even do such a thing!

The Dogon know that the star, Digitaria, is invisible but they know it is there nonetheless.

The Dogon know of the existence of four other invisible heavenly bodies in our own solar system… the four major Galilean moons of Jupiter.

The Dogon know of and have specifically described the famous halo around Saturn.

Temple states that "all of this knowledge forms the most sacred and most secret tradition known to the Dogon, and the basis of their religion and of their lives."

Temple makes a compelling argument that the Dogon received this highly technical information from the Ancient Egyptians through a process of cultural exchange and that is was the ancient Egyptians who actually possessed the real knowledge about Sirius. (note: the religious traditions of  the ancient Egyptians were also linked to the star system, Sirius).

Did the Dogon say who brought their knowledge, etc. to Earth from the Sirius star system? Yes they did (please put your seat belt on)…

The Dogon believe in an almighty being or God, which they call Amma who created all things. They also say that ages ago that the "Nommos," who hail form the Sirius star system, came to set up a society on planet Earth. The Nommos, who are credited with founding the Dogon civilization, were amphibious creatures whom the Dogon refer to as the "father" of mankind and the guardian of it spiritual principles. The Dogon also say that Digitaria and Sirius were once where the sun now is. The Dogon say the Nommo will come again when a certain star appears in the sky once again.

Why have the Dogon centered their culture, their lives and their religion on the extraordinary knowledge they possess of a nearby star system, Sirius, and its invisible companion (Digitaria)? Because they believe in it.

To this day no one can explain how the Dogon possessed this extraordinary cosmological knowledge thousands of years ago when we only leaned of them recently using our powerful scientific instruments.

What have the scientists done with this information? They've ignored it. Why? Because, sadly enough, they fear it.

Reference Material:

"The Sirius Mystery" by Robert Temple


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