Ancient Sumerians
And Their Incredible Knowledge
Of The Heavens
Sumerians were an ancient people of Mesopotamia (today southern Iraq) who existed some
6000 yeas ago. Legends dating back to that time say that advanced beings from the stars
interacted with them on a regular basis.
The experts tell us that 6000 years ago our ancestors and the Sumerians were still a very
primitive race. However, even though the ancient civilization of Sumeria existed well
before the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians and Greeks came into prominence, it was far
from primitive. On the contrary, their knowledge of the heavens was astonishing.
Although the Sumerians are the oldest civilization we know of at this time, they were a
highly advanced people, even by some of today's standards. 6000 years ago, thousands of
years before the Old Testament of the Hebrew Bible was first completed, the ancient
cuneiform texts of the Sumerian clay tablets told stories about visitors from the heavens.
Incredibly, these same ancient texts also described the Garden of Eden, the creation of
"the Adam" and then "Eve," their expulsion from Eden, a Noah figure,
the building of an ark, the great flood, "Noah's" descendents repopulating the
world, as well as many other stories found thousands of years later in the Old Testament.
But the Sumerian writings take it one-step further, a quantum step further. It has to do
with the real story of Genesis and the extraordinary events behind mankind's physical
creation and early history
which were edited out of the Old Testament.
This ancient knowledge of Genesis, described in graphic detail by the Sumerians, is
gradually being confirmed by today's scholars and scientists
and in many respects it
is quite different than what we have been led to believe.
Thanks to the extraordinary scholarship and a series books written by Zechariah Sitchin
(The Earth Chronicles) we have been given an incredible and eye opening account of the
Sumerians, our physical origins and their incredible knowledge of the heavens.
Who is Zechariah Sitchin? Born in Russia and raised in Palestine, he eventually became an
expert interpreter and translator of ancient Hebrew and other Semitic languages. Today he
is considered a world-class scholar of the Old Testament and the history and archeology of
the Near East. He is also one of few learned individuals who can read and understand the
thousands of Sumerian cuneiform clay tablets and other texts of these ancient peoples.
Collectively, they are considered some of the oldest written records we have of mankind's
distant past. He is also a graduate of the University of London and is a member of many
scholarly organizations.
Sitchin's findings have been well received among the general public who have read and
studied them. His books have been translated into 13 different languages, converted to
Braille for the blind, featured on radio and TV and have sold millions of copies
throughout the world. To my knowledge, the coherent arguments and logical conclusions
found in his books have yet to be challenged or refuted by the mainstream scientific
they've simply ignored them for quite some time. But that is
The evidence that Sitchin presents is just too strong and too convincing to ignore
anymore. Dozens of books and articles building on his original thoughts have recently been
published. Over the past 32 years many of his statements, which are probably considered
"way out" by traditional, mainstream thinkers, have been confirmed and validated
on a number of occasions.
Here's an example. The United States launched Voyager 2 in 1977 to study various
planets in our solar system. A year earlier, in 1976, Sitchin's The 12th
Planet was published. In that book he predicted, among other things, that Uranus would
be greenish-blue in color and watery. In 1986, eleven years later, Voyager 2 flew by
Uranus for the first time and sent back its incredible pictures. The planet's most
striking feature was its greenish-blue color and is the only planet in our solar system
besides Earth to have this color. Furthermore, hidden beneath its outer atmosphere was a
layer of superheated water 6,000 miles thick covering the hard surface of this planet.
Sitchin's bold prediction was a remarkable feat. Even more amazing was how he knew this in
the first place. It turns out Sitchin wasn't the first human to have access to this cosmic
knowledge. He found the watery, bluish-green description of Uranus while translating clay
tablets left behind by the Sumerians almost 6,000 years ago! How did the Sumerians, the
oldest civilization we know of, get this kind of information? They had help
their writings tell us in no uncertain terms that this source of cosmic knowledge did not
originate on this planet. And, up until this past century they knew a lot more about our
solar system and the universe than we did.
Are the Sumerian writings, preserved in thousands of clay artifacts, available only to
Sitchin? No, they can be found in museums around the world and are readily available to
those who can read and translate the Sumerian text. Sitchin has thoroughly referenced the
ones he has studied and drawn conclusions from. Have other historians investigated these
same ancient writings? Probably. Have they challenged Sitchin's findings? No. Why?
My guess is that they know he is dead on right. And this is scary stuff to people who like
the world just the way it is.
What makes the Sumerians so interesting and mysterious is that they were in possession of
science and technology that could easily be considered far beyond their expected knowledge
base. They also invented a form of writing called the cuneiform script and then went on to
develop a language around it, complete with grammar and an extensive vocabulary. They
practiced extensive agriculture and irrigation, possessed an advanced system of
mathematics, metallurgy, use of petroleum products, developed textile and clothing
industries, built ships, taught botany, zoology, geography, mathematics and theology in
their schools, had an advanced code of laws and were advanced in astronomy and
All of this led Sitchin to remark "What was it that after hundreds of thousands and
even millions of years of painfully slow human development abruptly changed everything so
completely, and in a one-two-three punch transformed primitive nomadic hunters and food
gatherers into farmers and pottery makers, and then into builders of cities, engineers,
mathematicians, astronomers, metallurgists, merchants musicians, judges, doctors, authors,
librarians, priests?
One can go even further and ask an even more basic question, so well stated by Professor
Robert J. Braidwood (Prehistoric Men): 'Why did it happen at all? Why are all human beings
not still living as the Maglemosians did?'
Again, the rate of advancement of the human race is not supposed to happen that way. It's
too fast, the jump is much too big for such a short period of time. Something came along
and altered the course of human development. What was it? The Sumerians give us an answer
to that question. They attributed their knowledge and the advanced state of their
civilization to the gods who came down from heaven. And those gods had sons, the Nefilim,
and they came from the planet Nibiru
and, as the Bible even says, they found the
daughters of man fair.
The Sumerians knew the heavens
much better than we did before the invention of our
high-powered telescopes and rocket ships of the last century.
What else did the Sumerians know of the heavens?
They knew about the existence of a space between Mars and Jupiter. When one looks at
the orbits of the various planets in our solar system there is a "planet
missing" in that area of the sky. In other words, there should be a planet orbiting
the sun in that portion of the solar system but there isn't. What is in that area? The
asteroid belt
chunks of rocky debris in orbit around the sun. Our scientists only
learned of this during the 19th century.
The Sumerians knew that this asteroid "space" divided the planets into two
groups. That is, "below" this space (i.e. towards the sun) the inner planets
were like Earth in that they were terrestrial planets not covered by dense haze. The
Sumerians contrasted that to the outer planets "above" this asteroid space,
which they say were covered by heavy, "gaseous" atmospheres that hid their hard
surfaces. This has been confirmed over the past 30 years with our space probes.
They also said water existed "below the firmament" on the inner planets. Our
recent space probes have confirmed that water had indeed existed at one time "below
the firmament" on Mars and Venus (and as it partially does on Earth).
Jupiter is by far our Solar System's largest planet. We only recently discovered its
existence. The Sumerians called it "Foremost of the Firm Lands." And yet,
Saturn, which is smaller than Jupiter but occupies a much greater space than this
monstrous planet because of its rings, is called "Foremost of the Heavens" by
the Sumerians. As Sitchin says, "They knew what they were talking about."
The Sumerians count 12 planets in our solar system (keep in mind that they considered the
Sun and Moon as planets). They also say that there is a 12th planet in our
system called Nibiru, which orbits the sun every 3,600 years. We have yet to discover this
planet. But there are strong hints that it is out there. Two Pioneer space probes were
launched beyond the realm of our well-known planets. On June 25, 1987 NASA issued a press
release headlined "NASA Scientist Believes a Tenth Planet May Exist." At a later
NASA news conference Dr. Anderson said that perturbations were found in an area of our
solar system beyond known planets that indicated the presence of a planetary body of
unknown origin. This discovery could be confirmed, beyond doubt, at any moment (if it
hasn't already but has been withheld from the public).
The Sumerians also referred to Earth as the 7th planet. And yet, looking out
from the sun towards Earth we are not the seventh planet. However, if one were to launch a
spacecraft from the 12th planet, Nibiru, inward towards Earth, our planet would
be the 7th planet it would arrive at! How did they know this?
Where did the Sumerians get their information? They tell us that visitors from planet
Nibiru gave it to them. How else can their advanced knowledge of the cosmos be explained?
"The 12th Planet" Zechariah Sitchin
"Genesis Revisited" Zechariah Sitchin
Ancient Civilization Index