It's 2020...Where Are We? The Great Reset Has Intensified
The more we remain attached to the old world order, the more we will suffer from its passing. In December 2019, man-made coronavirus (COVID-19) appeared unexpectedly, but not by accident. Big Pharma COVID-19 vaccines were forced upon unsuspecting citizens by corrupted government officials. It didn't take long to realize that they were neither safe or effective. The global elites of the world instigated this crisis for their selfish benefits. Their narrative is falling apart. They are already trying other means to control and depopulate humanity. In the blink of an eye, our personal and financial lives have changed abruptly and dramatically, Orwellian deception is rampant, the truth is hard to discern anymore, constant warfare has been normalized, world debt is out of control, and it feels like we are staring into an abyss. Suddenly, the world feels very uncomfortable and insecure. We have reached the point where it is virtually impossible for us to come together as a human family to find reasonable and equitable solutions for our problems. The world we knew a short time ago is gone and it is not coming back. Many awakened souls recognize this as encouraging news because they have a "knowingness" of what is really happening. While these irreversible shifts in reality are taking place, give serious consideration to the translated quote at the top of this page and bring it to your heart. It was taken from the revered wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita. Throughout history, we have been sent highly advanced souls who have come "to establish righteousness," to show us a better way to live, and to help us solve our problems. Buddha in the East and Jesus in the West are two recent examples. Today, we desperately need that to happen again, but on a global basis. At this moment in time, God's cosmic cycles, big and small, are climaxing...the end of the Piscean Age, the beginning of Aquarius, the close of the Mesoamerican fifth world, the ending of the Kali Yuga (Iron Age) of the Hindus, and the end of the Mayan calendar around 2012 when the 25,940 Great Year ended. Given the proximity of these cycles, along with the start of a New Age and Great Year, one would expect a VERY advanced being to come into our world to help us find our way. And that may very well be the case. In another section of this website, I alluded to the return of the Christ energy that will galvanize humanity so that we can create a better world, as we enter the Aquarian Age; an age of synthesis wherein compassionate human relations, sharing, justice, and an end to social inequality unfolds and prevails. In 1993, Benjamin Creme told us that when the financial markets are in disarray and melting down, it will be the signal that Christ’s public emergence is imminent. Indeed, financial markets throughout the world are beginning to break down in an unprecedented fashion. World debt has reached the terminal phase and it cannot be paid off. Fiat monies are being printed out of thin air to delay the inevitable. Interventions by powerful central banks will soon they will. Whenever I feel threatened by negative possibilities, I hold on to my God-Spot and reread information available from the Masters of Wisdom and other credible esoteric sources that foretell the return of the Christ as the World Teacher. They say He will come and help us in our hour of need, as we undergo the shift to a new collective consciousness and a return to a more spiritually-based way of life. A useful overview that highlights the ancient teachings of Wisdom regarding the return of the Christ comes from Group Avatar: Newest Link in the Chain of Hierarchy. The author and others tell us... The Avatar of Synthesis, a very powerful and advanced cosmic Being, is "coming to the Earth in order to further the manifestation of unity, of oneness and of inter-relation" within the human family and establish righteousness among us. The Avatar will remain in a higher dimension of vibration and will overshadow, influence, and guide Christ who will reappear in physical form and walk among us. These two will spearhead the coming shift in humanity's consciousness. In fact it has already started. The Avatar's potent energy will destroy evil, crystallized structures so that a new world can be born. One can already see serious cracks forming in the Vatican/Roman Catholic Church, fake news media companies, European Union, Great Britain, U.S. government, U.S. dollar, rigged financial markets, powerful banking institutions, and more. "Christ...will galvanize the participation of countless other forces, ranging from Beings outside the scheme of Earth, to angelic presences and guides, to tens of thousands of awakening souls across the globe who fill the ranks of the New Group of World Servers" Who is the New Group of World Servers?..."Its ranks include both those who work esoterically to nurture the Plan into concrete manifestation, and the people of goodwill who devote their lives to alleviating the suffering of humanity and the other kingdoms in nature." In other words, awakening souls like you! What will be the signs that we need outside help? "An ancient Hindu prophecy from the Vishnu Purana states that before the Formless One will appear, wealth will be decreasing day by day until nearly the whole world will be deprived. Property alone will confer rank. Devotion will be given to wealth alone. Passion will be the sole bond between the sexes. Falsehood will be the only successful means of litigation. Women will be merely objects of sensual gratification. The Earth will be venerated only for its mineral treasures.” Sound familiar? The previous paragraph is also in line with current esoteric thinking that we have reached the extreme end of the Kali Yuga, the dark Iron Age; the Age of Discord. It is a time when most of humanity reaches its densest form and vibration, makes the lowest choices, and sinks to its worst levels of behavior. "When is the Silent Avatar coming? According to both the Hindu and the Buddhist scriptures the Kalki Avatar will come at the end of the Kali Yuga, the present age of darkness." "The divine author of the Agni Yoga Books, reverently called the ‘Teacher,’ says that we are now fast approaching the end of the Kali Yuga, though as He also states the time of this ending really depends to some degree upon humanity." In June 1943, Alice Bailey suggested that "the reappearance of the Christ and the externalization of the Hierarchy...could begin as early as 2025." Benjamin Creme has been a major force in heralding the return of the Christ, who will be known as Maitreya. His public emergence will be the biggest event in history and will occur when the global financial markets reach their worst phase of collapse. We are in the early stages of that now. And how long will the Christ remain with us? Alice Bailey says that the triangle of energies of which the Avatar of Synthesis is a part and the Christ is the center, “will continue for two thousand five hundred years, or till the end of the Aquarian Age." Will the Christ be stopped by evil forces this time? "Naught can arrest His return, none can impede His Path." In other words, He's unstoppable and cannot be harmed in any way. It's so obvious that the world and all that is upon it needs outside help. Most of today's leaders do not speak for the poor, the downtrodden, the oppressed. Because of it, we find ourselves at an unprecedented crossroads. One road, without outside intervention and help, is a huge question mark that will ultimately lead to the demise of our current civilization, as happened with Atlantis. The other road is paved with hope. It will likely take several generations to gradually reshape our society to a point where we head in a new and promising direction. Christ, the Masters of Wisdom, and others will provide the guidance, but we will have to do the heavy lifting. For sure, there will be those who resist change, while others will support it. How that sorts itself out is unknown at this point. The next 5-10 years will be a challenge, most likely characterized by civil and economic unrest all over the world. The old will eventually pass on, new forms of government, education, spirituality/religion, and science will gradually begin to emerge...and along with a more balanced way of life, the essential needs of every woman, man, and child will be met. This will be the beginning of the new Golden Age...for those who choose it. We have to stay strong, hopeful, and do our best to uplift humanity and our Earthly home, realizing that eventually things will get better. We have received help many times in the past from evolved souls. Why not now when we need it the most?