"Spiritual Madness" by Caroline Myss. These tapes were extremely helpful to me in terms of understanding the major components of a dark night experience such as detachment, separation, aloneness, waiting and guidance from Spirit. Overall, it is the best resource I can recommend for understanding and coping with spiritual crisis.

"The Calling" by Amitabh channeled through Rasha. I read this recently published book during 2001and immediately devoted a whole page to it on my web site. "The Calling" had a profound effect on me because the wisdom and truth found in these transmissions are meant for those who are experiencing serious inner change and personal transformation in their lives. If this has happened to you because of a "dark night" or "spiritual crisis" event, and your life script has changed radically and unexpectedly in the process, this book will help you understand what has happened... and where you are heading. I've already read it several times and will continue to do so on a regular basis.

"The Stormy Search for Self" by Christina and Stanislav Grof,
M.D. In my opinion, this book is the "bible," a "must read," since it is very well researched and the only book I'm aware of that provides an in-depth overview of the spiritual emergency. I especially found Chapters 2 and 11 very helpful.

One can also contact the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, 250 Oak Grove Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025... or call (415) 327-2776. Christina Grof founded this institute. It is an international organization that provides references and educational materials related to the spiritual emergency.

"Flight into Freedom" by Eileen Caddy and Liza Hollingshead. This is the most inspirational story I’ve ever read about a woman and her incredible test of faith in God in spite of a lifetime of spiritual crises and demanding experiences. In the end, she surrendered it all to God, which finally brought her the spiritual freedom we will all seek someday. You should be able to find it through or AddAll

"After the Ecstasy, the Laundry" by Jack Kornfield, Ph.D. ISBN 0-553-10290-7. Dr. Kornfield is a wonderful teacher, exudes a very caring and loving energy, and his perceptions on the "dark night" are very clear and understandable. Chapters 3-8 provide a good overview of the dark night phenomenon as an initiation process that includes many personal experiences. 

"Anatomy of the Spirit" by Caroline Myss, Ph.D.  ISBN 0-517-70391-2. I highly recommend reading this book as well. Although not as specific on the dark night experience as Reference #1, it is addressed in different parts of the book, especially Chapter 7. The rest of the book is extremely valuable, clearly communicated and very well thought out.

"Energy Anatomy" Caroline Myss, Ph.D. These excellent tapes can be obtained from Sounds True Audio, 735 Walnut Street, Boulder, CO 80302... (800) 333-9185.

This set of tapes, similar to the book above, had a major impact on how I now relate to the world around me. Again, there are several portions of these tapes that refer to the "divine madness" and, most importantly, the reasons/solutions behind the spiritual madness experience.   

For information on workshops and seminars with Caroline Myss... contact:

Holos Institute of Health
Conference Office
Rte. 1, Box 216
Fair Grove, MO 65648

"Dark Night of the Soul" by St. John of the Cross. Published by Doubleday, 1540 Broadway, New York, New York. ISBN 0-385-02930-6. This book is difficult to read but St. John's description of the "dark night" experience is extremely vivid.



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