- Date:
- 1/23/00
You're web site is everything I've been looking for answers to for years. It all just makes sense and like you say it feels right. You have given me a gift which I will treasure always.
Thank you so much.
- Date:
- 1/24/00
I've just read some of the content on your web site and was very impressed.
It's great that this sort of information is available.
- Date:
- 1/24/00
Excellent Job done!!! thanks..:)
- Date:
- 1/25/00
Your web page is a constant fascination. I re-read it often or bits of it.
- Date:
- 1/25/00
Truly enjoyed the site ---- it has taken me years to achieve the understanding I now have and it was so wonderful to visit your site.
- Date:
- 1/27/00
I haven't yet had a chance to read all your truth...what I have read has lead me in the
direction I have been searching for quite awhile now...I must give thanks for all the
positive energy you have put into your
web site...It has filled me up and I shall now start spreading it... God be with
and thanks be to God
Tabby & Joe
- Date:
- 1/27/00
How did you find all these truths. I thought, these truths are only mine till I saw the site.
By the way - this is a very good job.
keep warm
- Date:
- 1/28/00
What a wonderful site... and so full of knowledge. *smile* Thank you so much for sharing these truths with the world.
- Date:
- 1/28/00
I enjoyed reading the information on this site. I've been thinking a lot about stuff like this and i had many questions. This site helped me get more opinions and information!
thank you very much.
Pauline Doan
God Bless.
- Date:
- 2/1/00
The information that I read here has really helped me. Thank you
- Date:
- 2/3/00
Informations find here is very interesting and helpful for me. Thanks you !
- Date:
- 2/07/00
I just wanted to thank you for the awesome website.
It confirms much of what I already believed in my heart. I shared it with my other email friends.... 104 to be exact.
- Date:
- 2/10/00
Thank you for providing such a beautiful and easy-to-understand site for those searching for information. I have passed this on to several
- Date:
- 2/12/00
Thank you very much for your web site. It has inspired me to take a journey down the road to
spirituality and inner peace.
- Date:
- 2/13/00
And I thought I was alone... insane.. crazy.. an oddball.. the pieces of the puzzle are now in place....
- Date:
- 2/13/00
Believe to Understand
We are
Thank you.
- Date:
- 2/14/00
Thank you for your web pages. I am studying and using Universal Laws in my
life they work. But most people to my understanding do not want or try to understand the will of the
Creater. Maybe they do not have the time. For thy will be done not ours. And his timing not ours. If they could only give it a chance think what this planet would be like. I am still looking for people of like minds. Not many that I have found. This is not a game. It is real life. Thanks
again. Feel free to contact me at Twohawks@supernet.com. That is my real name David Two Hawks. Love
- Date:
- 2/15/00
I like your website and most of all the informations and knowledge you share
with the world. I'm still looking for my inner peace and reading all of these
info, it helps me a lot, for reals. I will tell my friends about this web
Thanks again!!
Blue 19...
- Date:
- 2/16/00
Please tell me where to find the button which will print out everything on your site. Or, where I can purchase the same info in a book?
Thanks, Derrold Johnson, 1145 NW 185th Terrace, Miami, FL 33169, 305-653-0633,
See, here's my problem - AOL - the program freezes up if I scroll up/down too fast, sometimes if slow, making it impossible to go to each segment and load printable versions, etc.
Can you help?
- Date:
- 2/17/00
My name is L.J. and I love your site, it is very interesting and informative, keep up the good work =c)
- Date:
- 2/17/00
What a glow of inner peace I feel, from the recognition I experience after reading many of the pages on your web-site. Life is good.
Many Blessings,
- Date:
- 2/21/00
Thank you for creating this page. It is helping me a lot as I try to find my path. I keep it
bookmarked. Love, Rachel. AKA raindancer
- Date:
- 2/21/00
Thank you for this beautiful site and for all the information you share with the world. It helped me get a better understanding of Twin Flame, because I know we are to be together this lifetime. It has been most helpful..............thank you.
- Date:
- 2/22/00
I love your site, thank you... it helped me to know what I have been wondering!
- Date:
- 2/22/00
i truly enjoyed this visit of knowledge. awesome insight. i really appreciate all your hard work putting this info
together. this is exciting. jaymesoul@yahoo.com
- Date:
- 2/22/00
I just glanced through your website and found it very interesting. I guess we all feel
separated from what we call reality at some point. It is wonderful to know there are others who feel the same way. I do not know if I am anything special and may never know yet reading this site
made me feel hopeful.
- Date:
- 2/23/00
Loved to see people are paying attention to the constant change we are all going through.
- Date:
- 2/26/00
What a wonderful site!!!! The best I have found so far. I printed everything!! Thank you so much....
- Date:
- 2/29/00
I've learned something here.
- Date:
- 2/29/00
Its fun to see so much confirmation
of what I have felt growing inside me
for the last few Years..
I still had to do it on my own , no one helped. No one can help if the values of a life of
indoctrination start to crumble down.
It took real love to get me here..
I faced Fear, Truths...
Since no one else in my surroundings sees the things I love and I see.
Thanks for this site and that I have found it
in this period of Life.
Love and wisdom to you all .
- Date:
- 3/1/00
I have gained a tremendous amount of valuable information from this site to help me on my own journey.
- Date:
- 3/3/00
My name is Vikki and I found this website to be of use in the reincarnation
area. Because for months now I have had the feeling that I have experienced the
Titanic disaster first hand as a first class lady. Though I don't know who. My
dad thinks that I am reading too much about it and it's all going to my head,
and my mom thinks that my imagination is just getting carried away but I can't
stop this feeling that it's all to familiar, It doesn't scare me but I do want
to know more then anything if I was. I have been told that even if I was
reincarnated that I shouldn't be able to remember it all. But I keep having
these visions and dreams and everything seems so familiar to me. Thank you for
having this website it has really made me think.
- Date:
- 3/5/00
i met my soul mate, i felt telepathic when this event happened!
- Date:
- 3/6/00
Absolutely Beautiful
- Date:
- 3/12/00
this is very interesting and I like it !!!!!! thanks!! for sharing this page to thousands of people in
the world!!!!!!
- Date:
- 3/15/00
I have truly enjoyed this site. So many things have happened to me that I needed to find out as much as I could about the soul and soulmates. I know a great deal about many other metaphysical aspects but the soul was not one of them. Some much has come to light from this web site. Thanks!
Cincinnati, Oh
- Date:
- 3/16/00
This is a wonderful site and I wanted to thank you. I met some very special ladies and one of them gave me this site to check out. I am finding that as I am awakening and opening up more, I am finding people of like minds. It is a wonderful thing and finding this site is one of the many
beautiful things that have been happening. Thank you again.
- Date:
- 3/16/00
This website has answered my many questions. It has inspired me to find my true self and purpose in life.
*Kristina Marie Helms*
- Date:
- 3/16/00
Thank you for setting up this web site. You have made us feel not so lonely in this lonely, confusing and aching quest of spiritual enlightenment. God bless you!
- Date:
- 3/16/00
Each time I feel down, I know I can visit your web site to be more positive. Thank you for picking me up!
- Date:
- 3/18/00
This is one of the most enlightening sites I've ever come across dealing with spiritualism and the New
Age. I have most enjoyed reading the various articles and will highly recommend it to anyone interested.
Keep up the good work and may you continue to walk
in the Light of Love.
- Date:
- 3/21/00
I am so pleased to find this amazing site! And to find out that you find Conversations with God...your favorite books. I, too, have read
a lot of spiritual books because of my "starvation" after I pleaded with God to help me during my "dark night of the soul
".The C.W.G. books validated so many of my feelings about God. I still continue to use them as my "bible". I have
book marked this site and will be visiting often. Thank you so much for providing this site!!!
Carol Bench
- Date:
- 3/21/00
I came across your web site a month ago, I keep coming back to it. I'm going threw a change in my life and this site is really helping me along. I have it
book marked and I even take notes. I just wanted to thank you for having such a wonderful site. God Bless, :)
- Date:
- 3/22/00
i've been reading your articles since the first day
i saw it on a newspaper. i was fascinated on how you
introduced such peculiar things. last week i saw a book "soulmates, karma and reincarnation" in the Powerbooks bookstore. as i browsed into each of the pages of the book, i saw the soulmates part and
i read it. i was like going into another dimension. i mean the things that are written there are so unbelievable. despite its peculiarity, i still find it amazing and quite true. well, anyway, thanx for informing us about "things" that we want to know.
- Date:
- 3/28/00
A very enlightening site ..... One which I shall Visit time and time again. God Bless and walk with light and goodness forever in your soul
- Date:
- 3/30/00
I'm glad I found your website, and will be back to visit.
p.s. is there new info about archeological findings
in the black sea area?
- Date:
- 3/30/00
i have been in deep agony, the kind that would have prompted me to jump out of the window.
yet i call out to Jesus to give me a sign that He still cares. in no time i sit here reading this and i will not hesitate in recommending to others in trouble so
they to may get in touch with their own true self.
ugyn 30-3-2000
- Date:
- 3/31/00
Thank you for a wonderful and inspiring web site filled with love, light and inspiration. I admire your work and effort and your courage to share your own experiences. Your honest way to tell about yourself is highly
appreciated, and it certainly feels like you take us to another dimension. Seems like you have found the gems for us! I have already recommended your web site to others. Please continue the good work dearest friend of Light!
Blessings from Ulla, Denmark - uj@tv.dk
- Date:
- 3/31/00
I humbly thank you for sharing these wonderful insights and truths with me and for many others out there who are going through the same things daily in their lives. We have many wonderful groups going through the experiences together sharing with one another and supporting one another during the times of testing and trials. You have helped me and so many with your insights on
relationships. Thank you so very much to help me to see things from a different perspective. In LOVE AND LIGHT TO THE SERVICE OF THE ON DIVYA