CommentsHello all, I just refound this site after 3 years, dont know how or why I lost it. I have always known since I was a small child that this planet was not my home. I don't believe the MEST universe is where we belong, we are beings of light and only temporary visitors here. Light is the absense of matter, matter creates shadow, thus darkness. Matter prevents one from seeing and remembering the light from whence we came. May we all return......
CommentsThis is the most beautiful and informative Web site I have ever found on the net. I thank the author of this site for his reading and research... and for sharing on such a grand scale. Most sites of such scope are "pay per view" and then they are not nearly as comprehensive. I visit often when I am need of "soul food" Thank You is inadequate but all I have.
CommentsI have only touched on some of your readings and wish to visit this site again and will in the future when time permits. Thank you for being available. tarotmistress@netzero.com
Commentsthis site is exceptional...the vibrations are beyond perception...its a joy to go through this site...appreciate all your efforts...tkg
CommentsLove is music of the Spheres, Music is Love. I Am Music. Let us play. STAREAGLE
CommentsThank you for sharing your journey, knowledge and light with us - your site is truly beautiful and inspirational. I will pass it on to as many as I can. Keep up the wonderful work. Renee in SA
CommentsHello Brothers and Sisters in conflict of soul, I recently found this page and have found many of these articles enlightening and intensely interesting to my spiritual and intellectual mind. Enjoy yourselves...that is the purpose of life -Raymond
CommentsThank you for your Light and all your work. You have provided here much for me to ponder yet much more with which to resonate. Thank you for sharing--I shall do the same. In Light and Love, Gayla A music teacher and fellow Lightworker
CommentsThank you for this wonderful site! Perhaps I was guided here to find some answers. I will come here again... and again... All Blessings :) São
CommentsSpirit brought me to your page. I am seeking answers to the deep qeustions within myself. Your pages have been very educational and dear to me as I struggle along this soul path home. Thank you just for justifying what I know is true is my heart, ego sees as imagination. Bless You and the sacred path you yourself are in. Many XOXOXOX to you: ) Morganawolff1@aol.com
Commentshello all, there is always light it shines within us all let it shine outwards towards others with feelings of love, peace, positive vibrations and you will be repaid with the same. leave behind your false desires, gain a balanced mind and live in everlasting peace. learn to be still and contemplate, don't let bad thoughts twist you inside, you have the power within you let it shine out. peace, love and light to all, pass it on.
CommentsHello Nick! I want to congratulate you with your very good website! I have learnd a lot about it!!!! Thanks!
CommentsHello, I find your page very interesting for I have been searching for that which was lost for as long as I can remember. Thank you for having a place to come and share and rest and rejuvenate ones mind. YBIC david parker
CommentsHi, I am enjoying this site...only partway through the material at this point, but I'm thankful for the positive perspective on our spiritual evolution. The editor in me has, however, found a typo that makes a big difference in the meaning...on the relationships page, about halfway down the section on ways to create a truly loving relationship: "All sexuality within the relationship should be used to celebrate the love that exists. Sexuality can be as passionate as it can be scared." :) Should read "sacred", right? (Wish I'd recognized that truth a long time ago!) Just wanted to mention it. Thanks for the helpful information...Love and Light...and Peace...Bonnie
CommentsIf you want something to think about then go to manuela_standing_ woman. it's REALLY good. from quenton oakes.
CommentsNASA505- This is very good I will pass it along
CommentsAmazing entries. Thank you.
CommentsWhat a beautiful and wonderful experience it has been to be with this information.Thank you.Peace. Ohm Ra.
CommentsDear one, For just on twenty five years I have been doing a spiritual exercise thus,,, I visualise, radiate and send the best Love ,Peace, Healing and Harmony from my being to all the world and universe putting something into the universe instead of just taking from it. This I believe is the way of the future, If we dont we are like children who wont grow up.....Best wishes, Gordon
CommentsHello there! On behalf of myself and the friends who have recommended this fantastic site I would just like say THANK YOU! This is the BEST site I have seen and covers just about everything imaginable! You ROCK! Love Light Peace and Happiness to you always! Yipeee
CommentsThank you for such a beautiful site. I am refocused every time I read the words here. Love, Betsy
CommentsThank you for the love and peace that has opened my heart this morning. Molly Stone
CommentsLove is in the air }alexandra mingramm
Commentstwo years ago on aug 13 2001 i was drawn to an extraordinary person. i recognized him as a being of light on jan 1 2002 after he did something to me with his eyes that catipaulted me into another level of communication. it was frightening at first. it wasn't long before i was able to see myself as a being of light as well. after countless coincidences and many many strange and hauntingly beautiful spiritual experiences i began to sense that he and i were on another frequency and began a spiritual journey with him. this led me to discover that he and i are true twin souls reunited. i recently began reading all available material on the subject and it adds up. what a surprise!
CommentsIt is so comforting to know that there are many more like me. I accept that I am a being of the light with an important role to play in preparing others for the journey.
Commentsthank you for such a nice respite! Joy Graves - Tucson, AZ
CommentsI love this site. It's just what I was searching for. Thank you so much for putting it all together.
CommentsI have never read a "new age" book or anything on the metaphysical, but what makes this so believable and awesome is the fact that through my own soul crisis (as you call it) I have actually I guess you could say "tapped into" this info all on my own and all of my own theories feelings and inner beliefs have been written about and prophesized for years. That is how I know this is real... thank you for helping me to believe myself...ps I scored 87 on the starseed test...
CommentsI am so glad I "stumbled" upon this site. Thank you so much for all the wonderful information. This is exactly what I've been looking for. I still have a lot more to read, but I've got to let some of this information sink in for a little bit. Thank you again =) Mary
CommentsI have lived on this earth almost 63 years. I too have concluded that nothing happens by chance. I too have concluded that I helped to write this plan to help me grow. " Wherever was my good sense when I wrote parts of it?" God bless us all.
CommentsWhat I am reading is what I've been receiving from the Universe over preceding months.. Thank you for confirming this wisdom, and for sharing this with the world.. We are all beings of light, and our true Id-Entity(s) are now coming into view, for all to see... Glen Bradley
CommentsEver since arguing with a friend in July 2002 about whether crop circles are man-made or otherwise, and blasting out a search for "crop circles" on Yahoo and serendipitously coming upon this outstanding website, my life has changed immeasurably. This website has given me the tools to expand my awareness of being alive on Earth at this time. You do a great deed by enabling this website. Thank you...Janice.
CommentsHELLO' I have for all my life felt that I was a part of another. I have all ways felt that there was another part of me. I now know thanks to you that I do have a twin soul. I with all of my heart feel that I have found her and she feels the very way I do. We are just alike and do things the same way. Her name is Tiffany and I wish to thank you with all of my heart for helping me find my way home. With all my thanks Mike. Knowlewood@hotmail.com I will never forget you : )
CommentsA year and a half ago I met my twin soul. We "knew" it then, but it took us untill a few months ago to do anything about it. All the "symptoms" of finding your twin soul were there. We knew something was happening, but couldn't describe it to anyone. It is beyond words and most people don't believe anyway. Thank you for validating several of our feelings, both emotional and physical. There is a definate energy between us that we can feel when we are together and a physical pain that is there when we are apart. I hope everyone gets to experience this at some point.
CommentsDanke and thank you for your dedication to the lifes of those, who are searching and don´t even know what they are searching for. I am one of those and feel like I am going through a dark, confusing and not satisfying time right now. From the outside things are seeming perfect, but why do I feel I have to leave everything and break out? I am only 21, but feel like I have a huge journey already behind me, but a bigger one still ahead of me. I always have loved the stars and wanted to dive into them, that´s why my big dream always used to be to become an astronaut. And all of the other symptoms for beeing from another planet seem to be there. My life changed when I was 15. I went out of church, though I always used to be an active member of it. I changed my looks, my friends and places, as I went traveling for a longer time. But still I haven´t found what I am looking for. I´ve also read books of Seth and Ptaah and they feel so right. But I still feel that I am waiting for sth., and that I need to do sth. But what? Why am I here and where do I come from? Did you find all of the answers to your questions, Nicholas?
CommentsNick--- I can't find you!! Just returned from a year in India. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE contact me ASAP. My other e-mail address no longer exists. Hope to hear from you!! Rasha
CommentsWell it seems every year about the same time i am brought to your sight once again. This will be the third year, and each time it makes more and more sense to me. I have shared your site with many and will continue to do so. Thank you for your sharing and kindness in reaching out to us all, showing us the way back home, and again i have to thank you for always showing me the way back !! love and light J.
CommentsThank you for your energy and time. The message was one of great inspiration to me and did touch me greatly. Again, Thank you.
CommentsI wanted to let you know how much I have appreciated reading your web page. It has truly blessed me. God bless you.
CommentsThis is a wonderful website. I am passing it on to my sisters and my TWIN SOUL who I recently met a year ago. Everything you wrote confirmed what I knew about a twin soul because I have met mine and feel blessed to have found him. Thank you for this! I just hope more people find your website. Betty
CommentsI have been searching for something like this website for years...it truly speaks to my soul. Because of this site I am expanding my thoughts and my beliefs and they are being confirmed. Thank you for everything Kristy.
CommentsI can hardly imagine I can add anything to what previous souls wrote in this guestbook. And I agree with many. Its a wonderful feeling to find so much warmth and true believe. I feel a welcome guest on your site and will return to read it all. It helps me finding my own path towards a better understanding of myself and my brothers and sisters. Peter
CommentsCongratulations to a great website. Your hard work is being rewarded. Keep it up!
CommentsThank you for a beautiful contribution of knowledge and wisdom of life in God. I enjoyed it all immensely. Judy Finch
CommentsBlessings and Light to all of you. This is a wonderfuly informative site with lots of great articles. I have just spent the last two hours engulfed in your writing. Keep up the good vibrations and the awareness.-dallas, tx
CommentsI do not know if you will receive this or not, but I wanted to say.. that my life could have mirrored yours in many many ways... and yes I have met my twin and celebrate the duality completion of our beings even though he crossed over last year he is with me now in more ways than you can imagine.. The other odd thing...we met on the internet and never touched physically.. but I know him by heart and soul. :)
CommentsThis site has touch me very deeply ... Thank you very much for sharing your light with me ... Mara from Germany ... mara-kremer@gmx.de
CommentsHello there i just wanted to say what a fascinating site you have here and it has really given me food for thought and i enjoyed reading it very much as i have come to a time in my life when i am looking for answers, but i don't know what and so coming here has truly enlightened me thank you.
Commentshi! this seems to be my most favorite site..thank you so much for your time ,and your help..you help sooo many! love and light ,flash
Commentslovely sight thank you woodenhorse
CommentsThank you, Thank you so very very much for this web site and for sharing your insights; you have helped me and my partner on our path to enlightenment more than words can say or express; but I will try by saying to you: Namasté!!! Raymond (Namasté: An ancient Sanskrit understanding... I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells. I honor the place in you, which is of Love, of Truth, of Light, and of Peace. When you are in that place in you... and I am in that place in me, We are One.)
CommentsMallory Poppins just stopped by to have a look. I'll be back. Interesting site.
CommentsDear Nick. My name is Jerry Woody. I talked to you about a year ago or so about how much I enjoy your website and the work you are doing. At that time I had just started reading the Knowledge Book, Channeled by Mevlana in Turkey. I have now read the book four times and have made some short notes covering some important Spiritual subjects you might find interesting. I would like to send them to you as an attachment but I would need your direct e-mail address. I am from the Kansas City, Mo. area. That might refresh your memory. Jerry Woody JWoody7@aol.com
CommentsThank you for sharing the love and light with so many of us. We really need the kind of information you are helping us with. Now that so many of us are awakening this is a real sanctuary!!! with all my love and light Christine
CommentsWhat a wonderful, inspiring, informing website! Thank you and Bless you for creating such a heartwarming and balanced place on the web. And thank you for sharing your personal "story" that touches deeply into our common experience as, together, we create Heaven on Earth. Laurel
Commentswow words just cant describe this site. only read part of it but plan to reed the rest of it ( The Wind_1 )
CommentsBeautiful...... Lee
CommentsGreetings from a Zetan Peacekeeper. I'm just here as an observer. May the light always guide you..
Commentsnamaste beings of light I too am ready for the coming changes. your website is truly a blessing and an inspiration, those who are seekers will find the truth when they are ready, may many, many find this SOURCE. gilbert parra
CommentsHello from Washington DC. I asked the universe for new information about forthcoming spiritual changes about a week ago, went into Barnes and Noble, and couldn't find anything satisfying in the spiritual/metaphysical section. Most 'spiritual' messengers in our world today seem so ego-based themselves, that I cannot even read or listen to them. I was looking for information on twin souls on the Internet and stumbled on to your site. The information you have shared resonates in the same way I realized I was on a spiritual path years ago. For those of us who are on this spiritual path, I believe a big lesson is learning to be a bridge of sorts - meaning, learning to integrate living in the 3rd dimension while embracing the truths of the 4th dimension, and as a result, be the light that leads the way for others to follow.... Heartfelt thanks for sharing your story, journey and articles out here with many of us.
CommentsThank You so much of these lovely sites i found on my way searching the meaning of my life. I send blessing thoughts to all who are visiting here. May You always be in Light. Tuya from Finland
CommentsThank-you for providing me, as well as others with this very beautiful and informational website. Godbless. ~*~Rudy~*~
CommentsBlessings to all of you who are reading this sites, I am so happy to find here. Love and light from one Star Seed!
CommentsI loved every word written in these pages. i feel comfortable with the fundamentals. hope i will be able to live what is taught. v k behr pune maharashtra state india
Commentsthank you for an interesting and beautiful website.
CommentsI appreciate your website which has touched my soul...I am in the midst of a major shift and it is nice to know I am not alone...Bless you...TRiSH :-)
CommentsVisiting this website reassures my compassion for the inhabitants of this accelerating planet. I presently live equally within myself at several dimensional levels. Finding peace within and peace without..for I embraced the call of myself within god leading me home. I am whole now.......I am at peace now..I am wisdom now....I am divine love Strive to be the living expression of the sacred love of One...You will become a vessel of truth as well as light.........Bill Sears AlwaysIAm@MSN.com
CommentsFinding your website has been one of my most meaningful coincidences, a true moment of synchronicity. Heart-felt thanks for sharing your story, journey and articles out here with many of us. You have helped me to re-affirm my spiritual direction and strengthened my resolve. I believe that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Nameste' George in Calgery
CommentsWith silence in my mind I wanted to send you some thoughts, but I can not put in to words that what I want to say. ** Let your heart expand, soul learn and spirit get in to the light ** *<):o) -G-
CommentsThis is a marvelous website. Sending you blessings, gratitude and wishing you much joy.
CommentsI feel so I feel so self-contained, so desolate, unreal, high as the sky, beneath the sea. I know not what I feel. maryanne@ligcomputer.com
CommentsThank You for such a beautiful website! May Jesus and the Archangel Michael be with you and your household forever...and may I be reunighted with my Twin Soul SOON. Love, ~David~ P.S, NESARA NOW!.....
Commentspatrick deegan, child of the universes and of earth.what a wonderful feeling to be connected to all that is. in totally unity in all. love and light
CommentsI have finally been able to find somebody like me thanks to this wonderful site.
CommentsWhat a wonderful site. God Bless and Angel Love xx BB
CommentsExcellent website. Thank you very much.
CommentsAT last all wishes of love and sharing are near men of war and greed will have to step down, if I am needed just call .I was born to witness and take part the event must be near with all the madness we see people starving and we throw food away some have no clean water no shelter no medication and big companys drug companys arms companys make profit out of misery of others and the rich parade themselves while some have no food .Stand up and be counted now love will not feed empty bellies but if you love someone you will not see them go hungrey
Commentsi enjoyed your web page, yes jesus is here, he does walk around as a man we all have his spirit. in 2000 i was told this info bye a relibale force him his self. jesus is comeing. you are right about the spiruital change in the the world we are clearing the path for jesus to walk this earth.
CommentsHow does anyone say thank you for sharing all this, thank you seems trivial to say the least please except a hug my love and light Paul greenjacket10@hotmail.com
CommentsGreat site, God bless you.
CommentsDear Nick, I cannot thank you enough for your web site.I have visited your website for growth, affirmation and solace for years now. God Bless You! maya.
CommentsTo cape the flame of unconditional love in my awake, I thank al who are brings the light where they go and visit me in this life to help me remembering that we are as one big fire of unconditional love. Thanks for making this site, by reading this now I know for shore that we are one. I will pas it on and help others to remember, regards, Ton Primus the Netherlands.
CommentsBeing in the vibrational energy of love is a gift we give to ourselves. Being in the vibrational energy of Divine love is a gift freely given to us - all we have to do is accept it.
CommentsBeautiful site. Namaste. Amirthavalli 19/12/2003