- Date:
- 1/2/2004
to find the words ... but thank you ... Jenie-Laura Britain
- 1/4/2004
CommentsThis is a
fascinating site. Thank you. My only wish would be that there were a
living forum to share the experience. Love and oneness Cathy
- 1/5/2004
CommentsGreat! May
light shine in eternal abundance through the endeavour of this site ...
it helps us first to wake up and then to find out that we are home!
Thanks and Blessings. goldenmomentum@hotmail.com
- Date:
Commentsi really like it here, i often
pop in and i learn some thing new every time. thank-you. hugs, becca.
- 1/10/2004
CommentsWow! This
is quite a wonderful site. I did a Google search and "accidentally"
found your website. Of course, I don't think anything is by accident any
more. Thank you for sharing you story. It is most remarkable. There is
so much here to read and to contemplate. I will certainly recommend this
site to others. Ann - USA
- Date:
CommentsI shall say this, your site
holds all the information for me to put the pieces together... There is
a great knowledge with the different sorts of information that is here.
I congratulate you. I consider myself a prophet of my age. Few people
can comprehend the truth... Thank you for this insight of information.
- 2/15/2004
CommentsVery nice
- Date:
- 2/23/2004
Commentsi found the information very interesting and comforting
to my soul, and also made me aware that i am not the only person in this
somewhat lonely world that is seeking for inna peace an answers to who
we really are Peace & Love be to all Diana
- Date:
CommentsThank you for sharing your
wisdom with us. I can especially relate to the "Twin Souls" page, as I
have been spiritually awakened by the "departure" of my Twin Soul a few
months ago. In this present life time, our paths have crossed for just
five years but the meaning it brought to my life is unequaled. It made
me remember who I AM. Lucia
- Date:
CommentsLOVE & HUGS from fletch
- 2/28/2004
CommentsThank you
for simply Being. I have journied far and long with Divine Spirit with
constant contact with Light Beings. It is Beautiful to realize so many
others also resonate with pure love. Namastae
- Date:
28 Feb 2004
CommentsNamaste.. I am very
grateful for this web site. When I check in and am guided to select a
venue from the content , I am once again peaceful and Home again.
- Date:
- 08 Mar 2004
Hi, I've been here. Am completely at home here and really appreciate
the availability of this website in answer to something spiritual from
the net. LOVE is the greatest energy. Will post again. Thank You. SS
- Date:
- 3/16/2004
didn't stumble upon this website...I was somehow drawn here. Please
accept my deepest "thanks to you" for your heroic effort in gathering
all this wonderful information and guidance.
- 3/19/2004
CommentsI awoke at
3 am again. And again the question, "Who am I Really?" entered my waking
consciousness. My beautiful Higher Self lovingly sent me here. How
wonderful!!!! So wonder-filled these pages. We truly are ONE. Well done
my brothers and sisters....WELL DONE. I am here for you always. Love and
Light, Dr. Tom
- Date:
- 3/23/2004
CommentsYour site makes me think there is still hope for us all.
the world needs to change. your site made my day. thank you so much.
peace and love to everyone.
- Date:
- 3/26/2004
CommentsI found your site when I was in pain, when i thought I
was going to die.... Thankyou for your help and you brought tons of
light and LOve to my life.
- Date:
Commentsto god from rp l need your
help I BEG of you Hear my pray. l turn to you with aLL my needs help
thank you . love rp.
- Date:
- 28 Mar 2004
CommentsHi, thank you for this wonderful website. It is a
comfort to know that there is order, an ultimate design. The chaos leads
us somewhere, even when the clouds of confusion create feelings of
isolation in this reality. Patricia. L.
- Date:
CommentsThank you so much for this
amazing compilation of information! I am a clairvoyant, and train other
initiates to be ethical, learned channels of Spirit's messages. I will
be sure to recommend this portal to all of them and others, so that
their knowledge can be increased. Again, thank you and many blessings!
Sheila Coleman-Castells
- Date:
- 4/9/2004
Commentsmy name is "Jev," and I'm glad there is a website like
this one!
- Date:
- 4/12/2004
CommentsI have found my twin flame and just want to thank you
for more insight to what we feel together. It is truly the most
wonderful feeling we have ever felt. I hope everyone gets to experience
this feeling.
- Date:
- 4/15/2004
CommentsThis is a nice inspiration site
- Date:
CommentsThis a very nice web site. I
enjoyed very much. ty betty_boop2020@yahoo.com betty
- 4/16/2004
CommentsI don't
know how I stumbled onto your website, but I know I was meant to because
I am personally experiencing much of what you have been through and I
can relate intensely with your experiences. But I cannot help to notice
that most of the things you have learned from this experience are so
very Catholic, it is ironic that you are feeling liberated from a faith
in which you are unknowingly embracing. (Note from
webmaster: Thank you for your comments. The things I've learned through
my awakening experiences are based upon spirituality, not Catholicism. I
feel no need to be part of an organized religion. I know that God is
within and don't need anyone else to facilitate that divine connection
for me. Please see "Religion versus Spirituality" for more details at
- Date:
- 4/17/2004
exist all around us. They bring the word of the Lord. If you listen,
things will be alright.
- Date:
- 4/18/2004
CommentsSentenio: Alive and well on the way to the gathering.
Tee- hee. Greetings all. I love you and share your hopes and desires.
Manifest and it shall be... Free. At Last. Free. See you soon. Gaurdians
protect this message with the utmost security. Let not the prying of
unwanted eyes understand or decipher. Let it be. So I will It will it.
Thank thee. ~KH~
- Date:
- 4/25/2004
CommentsI am Steve from Knoxville, TN USA, you have a great
- Date:
- 4/26/2004
Commentsmay all who find happiness, wholeness ,and spiritual
enlightening help others learn through life's journeys. And may we all
come together as one at the end of eternity, to be together for all
- Date:
- 4/30/2004
CommentsThank you! Samuele from Florence Italy
- 5/3/2004
- Date:
- 5/3/2004
CommentsI love your site...Thank~U so much for being!
- 5/7/2004
CommentsI've been
up till almost 4 in the morning because I stumbled on to your website.
It is fantastic! There are so many things that are clearer to me now. I
tried the Star Seed qiuz and scored 88 - I have now joined the Stargate
research. I know I "stumbled" on to your site for a reason. Thank you
very much for hacing created this wonderful site. Namaste Tina
- Date:
- 5/11/2004
CommentsI wish all peoples of earth strength, cooperation,
goodness, preparedness, good fortune, and ultimate good spiritual
survival for all. Barbara Lou Townsend Los Angeles, CA USA
- 5/12/2004
thoroughly enjoyed going thru many of the articles. The "Starchild" and
Edgar Cayce article was very enlightening. I've read all the books there
are to read about Cayce. A truly fascinating person born before his
time. I'm presently reading about Atlantis and Lemuria by Shirley
Andrews. I believe I am a Starchild due to the 8 scoop markings on my
left inside shin. Alfred H. Berger San Diego, CA Email: alfredb2@adnc.com
- 5/17/2004
gentleness, kindness and LOVE spread to all earthly beings, so that the
SPIRITUAL LIGHT in them may ignite and pass on the magnificant White
Light of our Creator in the Heavens. May the Great ONE or Great Creator
live in everyone's heart and may He guide you in life with HIS LOVE and
DEVOTION. Creator's Blessings, Littlefeather
- Date:
CommentsThank you, whoever you are. I
have only just realised this site, and it is obvious that I will be
spending much time in this remarkable element. Pelican
- 5/20/2004
CommentsWhat a
fascinating website, I came across your webpage while researching
references to Maitreya which led me from one webpage to another, until I
reached this portal. I don't believe this is a coincidence but I was
guided onto this page. Your webpage answers a lot of questions to which
I seek answers. I hope this webpage serves a purpose to countless others
also searching for their point of existance and their lost past. God
bless you with love and happiness - Rav Singh (UK)
- 5/21/2004
CommentsI love
your website and all the heart warming information, good work! Though
the music is annoyingly cheesey!:) Love, Dave
- Date:
CommentsThank you for your site of
inspiration. Sometimes the road gets rocky in these transmutation
processes. I pray for love, and that we all achieve our destiny.
- 5/29/2004
Commentsgreat site
great info well done..... StarSkiee
- Date:
CommentsI'm in love with God too. I
will be visiting your site again. LightSeeker
- Date:
Commentsthank you for this sight. God
is always showing me more of himself, the more I see the more I want.
God bless you all, I look forward to meeting you all in the new earth!
- Date:
- 6/3/2004
from rlmarr@outgun.com . This site is truely enlightening for me as a
dying human. Soon I will cross over and would love to find my place
among the stars or the best universe I can find.
- 6/20/2004
CommentsThank you.
Thank you for helping me know that who I thought I was, I am...and that
all I already 'knew' is really true. DiAnn
- Date:
CommentsFound you today.
Enlightening, heartwarming...Thank you for a wonderful site. See you
again soon. Ian, Cape Town, South Africa
- Date:
Commentshi im paula just found the
site wondering what its all about
- Date:
CommentsI have been searching for a
sight like this. It is so informative for the information I seek. Thank
you so much and keep up the good work! Valerie vldgo@excite.com
- 6/28/2004
CommentsThank you
for your perspectives. Life truly is a learning process that only a few
really seem to agree to follow outside of the boxes we arrive in. It is
painful at times and very often lonely. The people in our past seldom
follow us. I hope my spirit and consciousness , as well as all spirits
and consciousness really did come from the stars to experience this
dimension and grow. Having spent decades in Christian ministry, and
having found it not to be the historically accurate or inerrant
teachings portrayed, this would be a deeper and more satisfying
explanation of the nature of us. Warm regards Dennis
- 7/3/2004
enlightening, answers many questions. I will be reading much more.
Thanks Linda
- Date:
- 7/9/2004
CommentsThank you for sending me this page in my email, this is
actually the first time I really looked at this, I love it, its
everything I truely believe in. Peace and light bless you Reverend Mylee
Dancing Moon
- Date:
- 7/11/2004
CommentsThank You! For Being and Sharing. Love, Marina
- 7/14/2004
Commentso'siyo udo;
I humbly give to you thanks for this fantastic site which says so much.
I am an Elder, Native American Descendant, and am sharing some of your
thoughts here with my people. Maybe, the time called for in the
prophecies of the Hopi are coming to pass: The Rainbow Warriors and the
Spiritual Revolition the ancient ones spoke of. It is good to see this
site up and running. May your path prove your heart. wado donadagohvi
Gray Owl, Elder
- Date:
- 7/20/2004
CommentsThank you for such an informative site. Citichic
- 8/1/2004
CommentsI have
known about this website for a long time but never took the time to read
the information here. After reading the section about dealing with
fear......i feel like i actually have a foothold within my life. Like, I
am in charge for once. thank you for blessing us with the opportunity to
learn from this wisdom!!
- Date:
- 8/2/2004
CommentsDear Ones, Your site is great, so glad I found it. I'd
like to be added to your sendings. Love, Geraldine
- 8/3/2004
Commentspeace and
blessed be..... here between two worlds am i child of earth and child of
sky.... 8/3/04.
- Date:
- 8/5/2004
CommentsI had an encounter with the stars one night not long
ago. I left my physical body and it is hard to describe but I became an
at atom of love floating in the farthest reaches of space. The
overwhelming message - in the end, everything is going to be alright,
good will triumph over evil, and love, peace and bliss will reign
forever over the entire universe.
- Date:
CommentsI love this place. And I love
YOU. I love ALL. I learn here, and more importantly, I find validation
here. Of all the thoughts and feeling and behaviors I have experienced
in my lifetime finally are loved. And by the Highest. I have learned
about Karma, Love, Sex, my Twin Flame, so many questions answered, yet
still I have one question, regarding my current situation: Why am I
still here? What is the lesson yet to learn? Sister Love
- Date:
- 8/18/2004
This is such a wonderful and inspiring website. May God continue to
bless you. Kitty
- Date:
- 8/18/2004
CommentsMy name is Maurice.. From Louisiana...Zodiac...Pisces.
From the moment I found this site I have been entranced for hours. It
has definitely reconfirmed things I already instinctively knew and
brought to light new prospects I had never considered. I want to thank
you for this opportunity to grow mentally as well as spiritually! I have
now been struck with the motivation to learn all I can about the 3rd
dimension. Thank you once again. Sincerely Maurice
- 8/20/2004
told me that when crop circles start glowing in the dark; it would
create a controversy wherein farmers would think their crops we're being
contaminated. Resultantly it will become illegal for humans to create
crop circles. Since The Phenomenon has a sense of humor (and intrigue)
the mild, naturally occurring phosphorescence will be harmless. Ted
Oliphant Las Vegas, Nevada
- Date:
- 8/22/2004
Pure beautiful Lights Thank You Vic Stryker - astronomer California and
- Date:
- 8/25/2004
CommentsI have linked to your site on my Awakening page because
it is one of the most inspiring I ever came across and gave me the
answers and confirmation of my intuitions I was looking for and I
haven't read everything yet but I will come back definitely to read the
whole site. The information concerning the "dark night of the soul"
especially helped me tremendously but all your pages confirm beautifully
what I felt in my heart. Heartfelt thanks to you for sharing your wisdom
! Love and Light Claude
- Date:
- 8/30/2004
CommentsComing to your site was right on time fore me. I look
forward to exploring the site. Peg Estelle
- Date:
CommentsHello! Thank you so very much
for your site. I look forward to spending much time here, reading and
being nourished. In light, Michelle
- Date:
CommentsAS a kid, I used to always
joke that I was an alien as I never felt right here and always thought I
was so different. Now I am starting to think I wasn't joking! I am
experiencing alot the symptoms (discontent with the rat race, etc). that
you mentioned. Kinda mind-boggling. Great web site. Thanks!
- 10/6/2004
Site! I have come here searching for sites dealing with the
transformation in 2012. I found a site where all I have learned and
experienced in the last years is perfectly "summed up"! I am especially
grateful for you describing your dark-night experience. As we have
fallen apart from Source so very deeply, as we are caught so tightly in
the fears of our inner child, spiritual awakening very often is
manifesting in a dark-night-crisis. It does not have to be this way, but
very often it is, just because we do not know another way... Namaste
from Germany, Carsten
- Date:
- 10/6/2004
this subject is little bit beyond normal man`s understanding but a very
good attempt to caution him that he should take right steps to be ready
for a big change. thanks for so much information. d.k.kothari, mumbai,
- Date:
- 10/10/2004
Commentsi can only hope with my prayer i am who loves to love
soul in laments of searching i love you for the hope to always be as i
walk silently in this remembering love is omtatsatom 6677 bija
- 10/11/2004
I am interested in more infor on Advanced civilizations that existed before the
flood. Noah's flood. These were our ancestors, call the Antidiluvians. Sandra
- 10/11/2004
CommentsHI, thank
you for this web page. It is an understatement to say that it is needed.
I didnt stumble onto this site either. I wasnt even at my computer. I
was doing something else and in my mind i heard the words light being.
So i went to the computer and typed in a search. You were the
- 10/12/2004
Commentshello -
my name is Dave - i am 17 from manchester, england and in my search for
truth have come accross this great page (its good to see there are loads
out there) i look forward to reading the information from this site.
- 10/13/2004
site, My many blessings to you and your creater. Do great progress. Give
more informatin to all your guest. All the best for your future.
- Date:
- 11/2/2004
think you should read the bible. Because the matreiya is not who he
seems to be. Love
- Date:
- 11/5/2004
CommentsThank you for creating this website. I refer to it
often. It's a marvelous resource, espcially for those of us (like
myself) who are trying to awaken themselves spiritually and grow.
Alexandra W., Salt Lake City, UT
- Date:
CommentsThank you for sharing through
your web pages. I feel utterly uplifted, and the mind is clearing out
some old concepts. God Bless, Starsearcher
- Date:
CommentsI am surprise how people our
just waiting for something to happened everywhere you go you just want
something to happened ,Aliens arriving ,Jesus coming, crop circles, and
the list goes on anything paranormal and supernatural...............I
tell you the Truth something big is coming but don't worry about it
because it will come when you at least suspected it just be patient and
be ready...Your friend I promise see you soon.
- Date:
Comments...Desejo muita LUZ a todos
que lerem e á Humanidade no seu todo. Agradeço por ter me dado uma tarde
muito linda sobre a perspectiva de tantos conhecimentos. Sou Brasileria
de São Paulo,mas não existe fronteiras quando há o AMOR. Agradeço.
Thelma Schmidt Rousselet E-Mail.thelmasr@uol.com.br
- Date:
- 11/28/2004
very Cool website well done.
- Date:
CommentsBeautiful site, very
informative; Winddancer
- Date:
- 12/1/2004
CommentsHello Nicholas, I have tried to e-mail this to you but
they're being returned, so I'm hoping that you read the guest book from
time to time as I want you to know how much this site has meant to me.
(Sorry to everyone else for the emotional content of this mail!) it is
such a release of emotion for me. It has taken me a year to be led to
your site and I cannot express my deepest love and gratitude to you,
everything you say is resonating within me and your truths are my
truths. I had a massive spiritual awakening last year during the months
of November and December, It lasted for 8 weeks and completely changed
my life. Everything that you say was given to me all at once during this
time and my life changed overnight. I was forced onto this path and have
been totally enable to get off. I'm reading my words on screen but they
seem so empty I cannot express what I am feeling at this moment, but I
knew you understand. I felt the tremendous, beautiful wonderful 'Christ'
energy released within me during those weeks. All year I have been led
and directed to confirmations of that which I was given and for the last
few weeks I have been given the name 'Benjamin' over and over and I had
no idea why. Now I know. The most amazing thing is what you say about
some people raising to a higher vibration and 'leaving' this 3D
dimension and other people staying here reincarnating in order to
continue development. This is a truth I was given, my words on screen
are so empty of emotion, I cannot tell you what it means for me to read
this, You've sanctified my final truth, I thank you with all my heart, I
have been trying to purify myself of all negative emotion, purge my ego
( this is by far the hardest thing) and becoming pure love to all. For
the 8 weeks whilst I experienced the 'Christ energy' I was a totally
pure soul. I could not have a bad thought, say a bad word, had no ego,
no attachments to this world and loved everyone and everything. When the
energy left me and my 'old self' returned it was desperately desperately
depressing. The work that I needed to do on my soul was enormous, But
the impression left on my soul was so great that I have had no choice
but to respond to the 'calling' Thank for bringing me this site and
book, I am going to order it straight away because this is a word that I
used over and over again to my family when trying to help them
understand my sudden, overnight change in being. There IS going to be a
ascension of higher vibration beings, and I'm hoping and praying that I
will have raised my vibration to that of pure love in order that I may
be at one with the 'Christ consciousness' Thank you again, Maybe one day
our souls will meet. Love to you, Lorna.
Hi Lorna. I read your message and you should be able to e-mail me at
I don't know why it didn't work for you. I look forward to hearing from
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