- Date:
- 4/1/00
I was drawn to Beings of Light in search of information about Star Seeds. Not only did I find the enlightenment I was seeking, I was deeply touched by the many articles that are currently housed in this dimension.
"Spirituality vs Religion" awakened a deeper understanding about the feelings I was experiencing regarding organized religion.
I am humbled by the thoughtfulness and encouragement that embrace us in each and every article. I feel joyful, peaceful and strengthened with each visit to Beings of Light.
Thank you for being Spirit's guiding force among an oftentimes, troubled world.
Peace, joy and love to you!
- Date:
- 4/1/00
Thank you for such a great work... For sharing with us
so much that was needed.
I know I will return many times, to your site I mean!
My journey started a few years ago, with the usual
questions such as 'who I am? what is my purpose?'...
As the student gets ready, the guides show
Thank you for being 'my guide'...
Ayse Dagistanli
- Date:
- 4/2/00
Thank you for this creation. I was led here unexpectedly :) , and am so grateful.
I appreciate how you've organized the site for easy visiting and in depth links for answering other questions within the topics.
Some of these lessons I needed to revisit, and new messages are here for me too.
Mostly, it's reminded me I'm not insane, I'm growing and this is a vital piece for today.
Easy does it and do it with love*
Blessed be.
- Date:
- 4/2/00
I want to thank you for answering two questions that I have been long afraid to ask - about Jesus' obscured teachings on reincarnation and the validity of what appears to be signs or guidance through the 'everyday' (songs, hawks, etc!) I came to your website regarding the possible connection between dreams and past lives, and I discovered that my past questions are in the stage of fruition and answers while my current one is in the germination stage. I see what I must do to discover the answer. Thank you for a wonderful website. May you be blessed.
- Date:
- 4/3/00
Truly enjoy this site. You have given me many truths to help me on my journey. Thank you
- 4/4/00
Thank you, I've searched for my 32 yrs and the last 3 months have been opening a new door for me.
I've had some insight and understanding of what is happening but no clarity. I now know that I have an important job to do, perhaps I am a Starseed, and
believe so is my husband, however no matter what, together we will help many and bring them to the light. I still feel the pull of the negative side but I understand now what I am fighting and am arising strong and filled with love like the mystical Phoenix. Bless you with love as i know you are
your Light.
Tanya x
- Date:
- 4/6/00
Finally a place where I can access information that vibrates with where I am right now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Kathleen "Fire Owl" Smith
- Date:
- 4/6/00
I am so filled with joy and excitement and love that I have to share it with you. I have been reunited with my twin flame and for the first time in my whole life I feel innocent and free, like a little child, and I feel so complete I can't believe it...WE feel so complete, I guess I should say! The information in your section on twin flames is so accurate and profound, I had to
thank you, thank you, thank you for putting it out there so that others can be awakened to the endless possibilities of love between two human beings!
Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty! Arohanui, Mari Ishtar
- Date:
- 4/8/00
THANK YOU!!! for creating this site and all the wonderful comments from others looking for their path in life! The books that have me most so far... "The Purpose of Your Life" by Carol Adrienne, "The
Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield and "Reincarnation: Remembering Past Lives" by Genevieve Lewis Paulson and
Stephen J. Paulson.
I'm 29 and living in Missouri. July 1999, my sister and her husband took a surprise trip at the same time we had planned a trip to Montana - I met my soulmate. I know where I need to be and that I need to be helping someone and where to find he/she/them. Came home and almost had a nervous breakdown from the enlightenment.
My family thinks I'm nuts because I have a 3 year old I would be taking away from them. Everything is on hold until the "time is right".
I thank God for writers who spread the word. Thank you! Jennifer
- Date:
- 4/9/00
I really enjoyed reading this web page. Thank you for putting this together. Cathleen
- Date:
- 4/9/00
What a wonderful website that I will be passing on to people that "seek to know" as it has been passed on to
me. The only thing that saddens me is the huge amount of people that are not willing to have an open mind and are 'scared' of the
truth. May they all be enlightened.
- Date:
- 4/12/00
This site is a wonder to behold. Thank you so much for your contributions to All That Is. :-) Love and Light, Steve
- Date:
- 4/13/00
This site has helped me to understand a lot about the difference between
religion and spiritually. The difference between love and fear. Thank you.
Linda Daher
- Date:
- 4/16/00
Just came across you page researching material on reincarnation. I was not expecting all the enlightened topics. You are the first I have read that comes close to my own inner understanding. I have had several "near-death experience's" and I have spent the last few years recalling that higher level of vibration you mention. I have been trying to express my experience -- and have researched other "NDE story's." I have found none that speak of the division of the "soul" in two equal parts. In my "near-death experience" -- that was expressed as the meaning of life. The reunion with the other half of the whole.
Thank you for all your hard work and making the information on your site available
to others. I can state that most everything I have read here -- reflects what I was given to know in that "higher" vibration state of consciousness during the "near-death experience."
D King dking777@hotmail.com
- Date:
- 4/16/00
I am so very grateful for stumbling onto this site. So many of my questions have been answered, or at least addressed. Many of my beliefs since I was a child that could never be discussed before are here. Thanks and God bless you!!!
- Date:
- 4/19/00
I think your site is so important and full of so many basic truths. Thank you for all the work you have done and continue to do.
- Date:
- 4/19/00
This site is really interesting. I visit it almost everyday. I too, have read Conversations with God, and thought that it was
magnificent. Thank you so very much for sharing your truth.
- Date:
- 4/25/00
To know and have the opportunity to be among the Children Of The Light is a dream that has been realized for me. I am grateful for your courage to come forward and help those of us searching to find the peace we long for.
Love and Light
- Date:
- 4/28/00
Thank you for this enlightening website. The information confirms without a doubt that I am on the right track to spiritual enlightenment through love.
- Date:
- 5/1/00
I truly enjoyed your site, I have been enlightened deeply, your site re-confirmed things I already knew but for some reason I got away from my spiritual self. I thank you deeply.
- Date:
- 5/4/00
This site is very informative. I now have a deeper understanding about why certain things have happened in my life. I understand that the "signs" I have received were definitely from my messengers. Thank you for publishing this site, I'm sure it will help many individuals understand their inner self like it helped myself. Thank you and God bless...
M.P. Arizona
- Date:
- 5/4/00
You don't know who this is, but I know who you are and thank-you for all that you have to offer. This site has touched me in a way that I cannot describe. Again, thank you for all of your insights to the never ending battle we on earth call life.
- Date:
- 5/7/00
Your website moved me to tears.....I have all the symptoms of Spiritual Crisis AND Inner Change....I have known for a long time that Something in my Life was missing......That something in me was struggling to be set Free....I have only just began to tap into what the Spirit is capable of.....I also believe I may have met my Twin Flame or Soulmate....I know He is the "One" simply by the description of Twin Flames and Soulmates...We have a lot of "Symptoms"
from each type of Soul connection....But more on the Twin
side.........Together we have grown tremendously, even though we are 3,000 miles apart and see
each other for only a few short days at a time every few months.........Anyhow, I love your site....You are truly a Beautiful Person......I FEEL your inner strength and Beauty......God Bless.....
Michele Marie
- Date:
- 5/7/00
Hello beautiful one! I absolutely love your website! I have been on my spiritual journey for 10 years now, and its great to read all your wisdom and remember truths. In the business of life, I forget all of this important information. I shall stay here until I read everything.
Thank you for publishing this website.
Peace and Love to everyone in the Universe!!!!!
- Date:
- 5/10/00
My heart is filled with gratitude for the reminders you have given me. Sometimes the trials and tribulations of our "life" tend to overshadow the real purpose of this existence. It is not the destination, but the JOURNEY. We have a tendency to forget the real purpose. May we be free of the entrapments that hinder our sight. May the light shine on you and yours.
Thanks again!!
- Date:
- 5/11/00
Hello, I would like to take the time once again to tell you what a wonderful, spiritually moving and informative site this is, I myself am a healer and I have recently been deeply moved by my own spirituality and faith . This site is a place where one can become lost in a dimension of white light!!!!!!!!!! Once again thank you!!!
- Date:
- 5/14/00
Just wanna give you a HUGE hug. Thanks for taking the time to make such an informative
and loving web-page!
- Date:
- 5/14/00
Hi, it is me Nancy in Florida. Glad to see you have added more and more to your site. A great site gets even better! blessings, n
- Date:
- 5/16/00
Very impressive web site. I just wondering if you could help me to know who was my husband before? They say that there are two lost souls who is always at my husband's side. That is why I want to know who he is before he was born. His name is Isamu Nakajima born October 16, 1976. I need your answer.( Email:
iimu@pop06.odn.ne.jp ) Thanks in advance. EMI
- Date:
- 5/17/00
I concur with all of the comments received from your supporters. And I know personally what a wonderful being you are. And I am also looking for the white buffalo, and am having the darndest time locating it. I will let you know when I do.
Love, Your friend
- Date:
- 5/18/00
Very inspiring. Cleared a lot of thoughts for me.
- Date:
- 5/20/00
Your site has helped me so much. I know who one of my extremely close soulmates is, and maybe even my twin soul, and i couldn't quite figure it out because i never had anything defining it for me. I just knew. It felt right. But your site helped me understand what this feeling was and i am thankful!!
- Date:
- 5/20/00
Love from Ann, Denmark
- Date:
- 5/23/00
Absolutely awesome!!! I have thought like this so many times and now find it all has a word...spirituality!!.....moonchild
- Date:
- 5/25/00
This website is wonderful. The words and ideas have touched me deeply. I will return often and share it with others. Thank you for your work... it is greatly appreciated.
- Date:
- 5/26/00
Thank you again for such a beautiful experience
on your website. I also read "about the author." Thank you for sharing, caring and giving us all
hope. You are a very special person. Wishing you
and your twin soul lots of joy, love and peace.
- Date:
- 5/28/00
Your site is completely wonderful !
Thank you so much to help persons with all this
informations !
Universe, Mother Earth and Sananda blessing you !
Love and light in your way ...
Your sister... Manuela
- Date:
- 5/30/00
Your website gave me the information that I was searching for. Thanks for the enlightenment.
- Date:
- 6/1/00
Truly a great way to dispense the info that pervades the universe and our beautiful planet.
I am truly impressed by the dedication applied in making this site as explanative and informative as possible. Love and light to you all ; )
- Date:
- 6/1/00
Wonderful, inspiring site... great job! Thank you for this great resource...
- Date:
- 6/4/00
Thanks for sharing your experience. I identify myself with most of it. Lots of love to continue on your path.
Noga Lubicz
Rio de Janeiro Brazil
- Date:
- 6/4/00
A most beneficial source of information, presented to me when the time was right for me to receive it. I visit daily.
- Date:
- 6/4/00
I just want to thank you for the opportunity on sharing the light, some times you talk to people and you
don't want that people to get lost because you did not explain some issue on the right way, or just with your
own feelings.
Now with this, i can say... go to this place and take what ever you need, let the door open, that way more people can find the way.
- Date:
- 6/5/00
this page has made me think a lot and helped me validate some of my own beliefs.
thank you magandaguy@yahoo.com
- Date:
- 6/7/00
Thank you for having such a beautiful site for all of us to come and be enlightened. I will be back often. Dee
- Date:
- 6/8/00
It's nice to know you exist...I feel a soul-brother connection with you and your classic spiritual journey...perhaps we can
develop an e-mail friendship? tomiusstrauss@Yahoo.com
- Date:
- 6/9/00
I have been reading and re-reading your web site for about a year. It has been an important step for me on my journey, and the information shared so generously by you is treasured. I shall continue to re-visit and I am pleased to read about you and your happiness.
It is difficult to let go of fear and give your life to God, the Divine and allow this Divine light to get rid of fear and earthly limitations. This must be the struggle with 'ego' I guess.
Thanks Nick.
- Date:
- 6/11/00
Hi Nick, it's the old Bird Ravan from Alaska. Thanks for being dear brother.
The door is always open. Here you only lock friends in. Love the site. I'll fly
back Soon. Linda
- Date:
- 6/16/00
I think this is a really awesome web page....this is what I look for and wish was more of on the web...keep up the positive reinforcements!!
- Date:
- 6/16/00
again I want to stress my ultimate thanks to you...my whole life I have been searching from religion to religion for exactly what you have here and now that I see others think the same thing, I feel better...I only wish we all could get together to share this with each other.
- Date:
- 6/17/00
i met my soulmate for the first time 10 yrs ago and then again 5 yrs ago. it was the most intense feeling ive ever had. i
didn't even have to talk to him, i just knew him so well, knew his mind. it was like an open book to me. it was like looking at myself in a mirror. because of circumstances i
haven't seen him since. i was in a very serious relationship after that. when that ended it was the thought of being united with my soulmate that kept me alive. he
doesn't know it but he saved my life. i haven't really confronted him about it yet because i know
he wasn't ready yet. ill be seeing him again now after 5 yrs. i wonder how things will go, what awaits us. !!
thank you for your site. it has cleared up some things for me.
- Date:
- 6/18/00
Truly a gift to society; there are so many people that can utilize this information -- along with some personal soul-searching -- to find their True Self. There are so many Universal Truths to be found within the pages of this site, all of which transcend any dogma or religious structure. The informative resources to be found at this site are applicable to All in the same sense that we are all derivative of the One Source. No matter what path one walks on this plane, the information that you have provided to the Community is an invaluable resource to any who may do the Self-affirming pleasure of immersing oneself within these pages. I wish many blessings upon your path; surely your work has been a blessing upon mine. ~ C. Caileadair
- Date:
- 6/18/00
You're words have touched me and I will come back often!
I feel a connection with things you have written...definitely a labor of love and something that is worth pondering.
Thank you!
- Date:
- 6/28/00
I would like to talk to others that understand all of this! I am having a hard time knowing what to believe, I am only a teenager and have known only the catholic faith. If anyone would like to help me, E-mail me at
Rosa351@aol.com thanks! |