- Date:
- 10/1/00
This is a truly amazing site! I stayed up half the night reading - most interested in twin soul relationships - I think I found him why doesn't he know it yet? I now know it is because he is not ready and when he will we will be reunited. Thanks so much for putting out this information for all to read and enjoy..............Amy
- Date:
- 10/4/00
This site has truly opened my eyes to the truths I know exist. After reading as much as I could absorb, I felt totally
rejuvenated. Thank you for your wonderful page. Phil
- Date:
- 10/9/00
Namaste', Co-traveler! This website is a blessing and I appreciate the time and effort you have put into sharing yourself with the "rest" of us!
- Date:
- 10/10/00
your website is absolutely incredible. thank you. i enjoyed the mixture of your thoughts/beliefs and of well-known individuals. out of all of the material i have researched on the subject, i have to say, your website is wonderful. i have sent it to my husband and best friend. thank you again! your site is a definite re-read...so many things to ponder.
- Date:
- 10/10/00
I am thrilled by the information you have in this website - especially about Twin Souls. I have recently been told I am to meet my Twin Soul incarnate before the end of 3 years !
Thank you for your wisdom and insight. LCK, Towson, Maryland
- Date:
- 10/14/00
I just visited this site and it really looks great--lots of interesting and helpful information! This site was recommended to me by a co-worker at WaldenBooks (Hi
Tiffaney! sp?) Thanks!
Also, if anyone would like to contact me, my e-mail right now is
Char10@hotmail.com Someone wrote a message above---funny how things come into your life at exactly the right time! I just recently ordered a book on the Starseed topic that I read several years ago and didn't understand, but wanted to read it again now. Somewhere the title was given to me recently! And as for twin souls someone posted above, I am happy to say that a
load of intuitive people told me that my 1 year old daughter is my twin soul! I feel she is
too. ) But I should also mention that they also told me that my daughter is really a masculine energy who incarnated this time as a female :-)
Charyl P.-
- Date:
- 10/18/00
All I can say is 'serendipity', and isn't it funny how these things come along just at a time in your life when it is completely right. Your words have mirrored my thoughts and questions that I have often asked but never had answers to. You will be inspiring many.
- Date:
- 10/18/00
Wonderful website!!! I am very grateful I found it. Thank you! Christine
- Date:
- 10/18/00
Actually I'm doing a research of Spiritual Beings and i was searching the search engines and I seen this web page and I think its great on how you provide all the web surfers with a bunch of
useful information. Thanks alot..............yuri
- Date:
- 10/20/00
i'm so glad to have discovered your site. i will be back many more times to learn. thank you. carolyn
- Date:
- 10/22/00
I am happy to know that I am not alone.
- Date:
- 10/23/00
I have looking for this answers for years, since I find you I feel better and in the right place. Thank you
- Date:
- 10/26/00
thank you for the great web site. i can't exactly explain what a soulmate is to someone so i chose your website....
- Date:
- 10/27/00
Thank you so much for this page! All my questions are being answered!
- Date:
- 10/31/00
I love your site, great job!
- Date:
- 11/1/00
sending you a beam of love from my heartxxx
- Date:
- 11/5/00
This is a wonderful website. The words written herein are very calming, encouraging, & inspirational...
- Date:
- 11/9/00
What if Light is Dark and Dark is Light ?
Aren't these only words we are using of them.
If there's no absolute Dark, what is it then ?
With Love to you all, Thanra.
- Date:
- 11/12/00
We've enjoyed browsing your collection and made note of many pages to suggest to others.
Thanks. -David&Vickie
- Date:
- 11/14/00
great site thanxxxxx
- Date:
- 11/15/00
Your page has helped me understand better who I am and why I'm
- Date:
- 11/18/00
Your web site is great!
Thank you for presenting us with your insights.
- Date:
- 11/19/00
It has taken me many years to accept my soul's longing. I met my soulmate 20 years ago - we both instantly knew each other.
I have attempted to enlighten my soulmate, who is schooled in traditional philosophies, regarding karma and the need to help others in our lives. She has been resistant, but coming along.
There is a peace I feel through your website and while I am still in the midst of a darkness, there are things I instinctively know. One of these things that I have attempted to educate my soulmate on is the fact that we knew each other many lifetimes ago and will know each other in future lifetimes.
I have been been on a long journey in an attempt to establish what, exactly, I am supposed to do with my life. This has consequently left me in turmoil, confusion, and very suicidal. This journey has been truly painful and I wonder what dastardly deeds I
committed in the past to warrant the pain I experience now.
I understand more through your wonderful explanations about death of ego ... I'm working on mine.
Thank you for your excellent site.
- Date:
- 11/21/00
Your page is one of the best currently available on the Internet. I only wish you could include more articles on the topic of Ancient civilizations.
Keep up the good work.
- Date:
- 11/23/00
It was a breath of fresh air to see a fellow speak openly of these things and I feel I am not so much alone now. I have to say this though, as truth for me, we remain individuals, we do not merge into one. Yes in brotherhood with the universe we are
one. The individual does not cease to exist however.
I have read a lot of Scientology thought and that is real to me too.
Best Regards = Nelson
- Date:
- 11/27/00
Does anyone here talk to Angels? Let me know at
yeaitsmeTD@aol.com. I'm researching the topic and I'm curious to see if any of you are experiencing this awesome
possibility now. Thanks, Tim
- Date:
- 11/30/00
i'm so much in love to read this...
- Date:
- 12/6/00
Great site thank you for your light and enlightenment. Peace to our journeys, Love and Light to our paths, May we always be one in spirit as we journey on. Colleen (Kansas City, Missouri)
- Date:
- 12/8/00
what a grand place you have created, i like it here. feels like home.
lol patsy
- Date:
- 12/9/00
Thank you! We are all ONE! and it's okay
- Date:
- 12/12/00
Wonderfull... the graphic is so pretty.
Congratulations. I like your work.
- Date:
- 12/13/00
Dear Nick:
I cannot express how much your article has brought such an "awakening" in my life. For 38 yrs of my life, I have never had a day of peace and happiness. I could never understand my true purpose for all the misery I had felt and couldn't understand why things never fitted correctly. I am a
univ. student presently, and 3 months ago, I took a good look at my life and realized how my past has been greatly influenced by spirituality. I would like to know how I can obtain a copy of all the information on this
webpage, since I would like to read it on my own more
thoroughly and keep as a reference. (http://www.fromthestars.com/)
I am especially interested in obtaining the information pertaining to soulmates, twin souls, and their cosmic relationships. For some reason, I did try to print out the information out on the printer, but was unable to obtain the print. I would be very happy if you can reply soon. Take care and peace. -
- Date:
- 12/13/00
Hello my brother. :) Big hugs from
- Date:
- 12/17/00
I would like to thank you for a wonderful website. It has brought me great peace to know that I am not alone in the thoughts and feelings that I have. My spiritual awakening began a little over 2 years ago and I have searched books, websites, anything that I can get my hands on to explain these feelings. I read your story about your meeting with your twin flame and it touched me so deeply that I cried. Because I understand exactly what you mean about not being able to explain it. I know that I met my twin soul 8 months ago and since then have had numerous synchronistic events. He and I are also on different paths and I haven't seen him in 5 months since we are 800 miles apart. But, it doesn't lessen the love in my heart and soul. There are times when I feel the connection and can't explain what goes throughout me. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks. Janey
- Date:
- 12/23/00
Thank you. I have gone through a similar experience and appreciate your sharing yours. It makes me feel sane hearing from another the intensity of the love, despair, longing; the knowing of the truth; the awakening.
- Date:
- 12/25/00
I am Love and am drawn to this location by the Love emanating from another awakening soul. I return your Love a
thousand fold.
- Date:
- 12/26/00
Hi, I wanted to tell you Thank you. For the first time, someone gives the gift as freely as they
receive it. To many sites offer knowledge and insight or help, then they ask for money. Love and best wishes to you and your family...
Sandy aka: dolphinschild
- Date:
- 12/26/00
This is such a wonderful site. One that I have been searching for a long time. The combination of Spirit and the Cosmos that I have felt a connection with for so long. It has so much information and is well constructed. I look forward to exploring the rest. Dee
.. i am almost speechless, i can say.. but i am just so overwhelmed and
overjoyed to finally find such a resource, especially about the Starseed thing..
thank you.. soooo much.. you have no idea (well, maybe you do) how much this
will enlighten sooo many.. Mari-Michele