- Date:
- 4/1/2001
It was a really wonderful experience to go through some of your pages. Certainly I will be visiting your pages to read more.
Thank you for sharing ...
C.A. Lazar
- Date:
- 4/4/2001
Thank you for the insight, the lessons and the love.
- Date:
- 4/5/2001
this is a wonderful site. thanks. carmela love@skyenet.net
- Date:
- 4/8/2001
beautifully done ....great research too.
many will begin to awaken with the help of your work
- Date:
- 4/9/2001
It's always so very enlightening to share info between one another of this wonderful journey that we are taking together. Love and light to you all...
- Date:
- 4/12/2001
Visiting your site has been such a wonderful experience. Thank you for all the effort and wisdom you've put into it.
- Date:
- 4/13/2001
I really enjoyed reading your website, it makes a great deal of sense to me, in fact, it makes more sense to me than the current religions of the world, I relate
to many of your topics. I have been on a spiritual quest for the past decade and am only now beginning to understand it all. I believe that I am seeing and hearing beyond the third dimension.
Steven (I being from another world)
- Date:
- 4/15/2001
thank you.
- Date:
- 4/15/2001
"Greetings". Thank-you for creating this unique and wondrous web-site, I was
synchronistically guided to when I was seeking for comfort and wise
teachings. Cosmic Blessings/Love.Linda A.Daniel
- Date:
- 4/17/2001
Thank you for this site. It makes sense of my life at this moment.
- Date:
- 4/17/2001
Thank you for taking the time to make this website and for also making navigating it easy.
- Date:
- 4/20/2001
Great! bobbye
- Date:
- 4/22/2001
This is an AWESOME sight. It really answered a lot of my questions! Thanx a bunch!
- Date:
- 4/25/2001
I enjoy your web site. All of us should have a thirst for knowledge, particularly in esoteric matters. My own spiritual journey began a quarter-century ago when an ex-girl friend gave me a book on reincarnation. My quest for knowledge has intensified as the years have slipped by. I haven't had the time to read all the spokes of your wheel of knowledge, but the ones I've read, I agree with your nuggets of erudition. My best to you. Indeed, we are one in the same, though it's a confusing thought. Steve Townsend
- Date:
- 4/25/2001
A Wonderful site. Very informative and insightful. Scientists say we receive
a thousand impressions a second, but that is only information until we use it to help ourselves, then it becomes knowledge. Knowledge used to help others becomes wisdom. there is much
wisdom here. Thank You.......Dan
- Date:
- 4/26/2001
Be kind and love one another because love is the only truth in this illusion
of reality that we exist in. For many are only visiting this planet for a short
time and will return to our true home. Those who have to remain need our love in
order to develop beyond the material, physical plane to see what lies beyond. I
have seen the beauty of my higher self and it is truly all about love. Peace* EL
- Date:
- 4/27/2001
this is a wonderful page.
ever spoken to nommo?
they're contacting us again, so listen hard
- Date:
- 4/30/2001
my name is nicole.....i am 22 ...i refer to myself as an "indigo" child, a newcomer of pleaidian intelligence ...half of this earth i feel is still sleeping...more than half i don't see myself as separate from others rather we are all one with the cosmos... the universe....we all have come from the same source of light... of god.....where the experience is that of the one and the many....blessed be the keepers of the earth and the cosmic laws and all of those who are the awakened ones....for we are here to serve those who are still sleeping.....and blessed are the sleepers for when they are awakened they will be helping us serve the universe when the awakening comes.... in the meantime ...love thy neighbor as thyself.... for love is all...love will bring the great changes to this earth and all of the cosmos.....so i leave with a message of love
...i love you all...everyone...all the beings.... i am a messenger of peace....
- Date:
- 5/4/2001
Thank you, for creating such a beautiful, wonderful site. A friend of mine sent me to your site after we had one of the most
beautiful, uplifting conversations, about twin souls and soulmates. Now, I too, am
convinced, our meeting was anything but a coincidence. I am telling all I know who are on a spiritual journey to come and
read, what I have read. My Love and Abundant Blessings to you, and your website.
- Date:
- 5/6/2001
Thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to move forward in my present life by accepting who I am, what I have done and where I need to go. Your pages provided the answers within myself, and confirmed that Spirit is working. I look forward to being reunited with all of my Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Daniel G.
- Date:
- 5/9/2001
Thank you for your guidance.
Constantly looking forward to being in love with all once again.
P.S. Look me up in 15 years or so, we'll get together in the astral and re-live and chat about how Earth and it's children came through the cycle with loving success.
All my love, see you soon.
- Date:
- 5/11/2001
I just found this site and found it very interesting. We are all beings of light and want to learn more. thank you Freda
- Date:
- 5/11/2001
Hi just stumbled across this site. Very interesting reading. Thank You
- Date:
- 5/19/2001
I did not know that this site existed until my daughter told me about
it. I will return later to read some more thanks for having it available. 19-May-2001. Leda Arquette E-mail Add.
- Date:
- 5/20/2001
I love your web site, your attitude and your approach. You have much in common with the rest of us. I have one question, however, I know modesty is a good thing - but where is your name? Let me know. Blessings of Light, Anna B. - Editor, Continuum Magazine - Many Paths, One Voice
- Date:
- 5/24/2001
De-LIGHT-ful!! Love and light to all. We truly are ONE. Jackie McCreary
- Date:
- 5/26/2001
wow, this is one wonderful sight....feeling quite unsettled here on this earth....know something going to happen here soon...sure to be back here again....thank you for sharing all of this information.
- Date:
- 5/28/2001
Hello, I am Shadow, I am pleased to give this site many compliments, as it is truly the best site I have ever seen. Many blessings upon the creator of this site and upon you all too! Peace and carpe noctem eternal,
- Date:
- 5/29/2001
I love ur site.....its great...it really sets the light on everything.....Your site has taught me
a lot and im grateful for it :)
- Date:
- 5/31/2001
I think your site is awesome :-) It has been shown to me through a very special person in my life. He is my soulmate and best friend. He has helped me to this inner journey and i am so
grateful. Your site has played a big part in my understanding of this age and how to find true
happiness inside ones self. Thank you for your site. I will come back often and read what i know will always bring me renewed hope :-) Thank you
- Date:
- 6/4/2001
I can honestly say this site changed my life. The information you have provided can make a difference in many people's lives... and help everyone realize why we are here. Finding this site was no
- Date:
- 6/6/2001
Thank goodness for the internet and technology! I have had an overwhelming feeling of guilt as I lost sight of my catholic background for a more spiritual quest. Now seeing spirituality and religion
laid out in "black and white", I feel that I am on my way to a wonderful journey. Thank you for the easy reading and confirmation of me "self".
- Date:
- 6/7/2001
This site contains alot of knowledge that people just shove off, if only they could open their eyes, this world we are living in now would be a better place........
love and light
- Date:
- 6/7/2001
I am always drawn to this site when I feel the need to ponder my
existence. I also find the music so soothing and conducive to such
thoughts. Can someone please tell me the name of the piano music that
plays on this site? (The music is the theme from the movie "Somewhere
in Time.")
- Date:
- 6/18/2001
This is such a beautiful website that I'm sure reaches the hearts of many other starseed/beings of light. I wanted to thank you for such a complete and heart-based array of articles. I would also like to add that I am a starseed and a writer and would like to write articles for this website. I channel a high light being, "Oberon." We have been looking for a place or to create a space to do our work in this incarnation. Heather
- Date:
- 6/21/2001
i'd been looking for sites which are truly sincere and naked of commercialism... this is it... how i wish ill live in peace just like you... you seem to be glowingly at peace with almost everything.... it's refreshing... as if my mind and my
soul has been cleansed of impurities... perhaps here there is GOD...
- Date:
- 6/27/2001
I have a strong sense that i'm not of here. I don't believe that i am a star seed though because I don't have a fascination with the
extraterrestrial. But I am searching for something, and reading these pages and entries i feel that i'm getting ever closer to my awakening of where I have been and who I am or was. I thank you for all the information you took the time to type and share with us. God
Speed. ~Dawn