- Date:
- 7/2/2001
thank you i don't feel so alone
- Date:
- 7/4/2001
I have been on this ride for thirty one years this july 18th. I am grateful to have happened upon this page. It gives me hope that more people will begin to re-member who they really are. This time around the wheel I am completing my work for the human experience. I will be leaving this place soon as I am increasing my speed and it is becoming more and more difficult to exist here.
My love is for all
A carpenter
- Date:
- 7/9/2001
Your site is truly a gift to us all. I thank you with love and light and thank you for the validation of the wisdom we all know from within.
You're truly a wise teacher!!!
- Date:
- 7/9/2001
hello, I just want to say thanks for this lovely, site. I have believed for some time now that there is someone special for me out there , I originally labelled them as my soulmate , I realise now that it is my twin soul that I am longing for , I had begun to get a little despondant of late and from comments that other people had made to me, actually question my beliefs and how I felt, but your 'beings of light ' has given me hope again , to carry on with my quest & that maybe
one day I will find my 'other half' and become as one again, completion , thanks again , Ali
- Date:
- 7/10/2001
I think this junk ruins alot of happy families.
Life is what we make it. Not the stars, nor the planets. this is just a way to distort a confused
mind. People need to just live life for what it is.
I lost my wife to this junk.
- Date:
- 7/11/2001
It is so nice to find others who think like I do. I have felt for years that I was different and did not belong. I thank you for the inspiration from your site. Best wishes. Linda
- Date:
- 7/14/2001
Thanks for your great article on soul mates and twin souls.
Reidun Søbstad
- Date:
- 7/17/2001
Excellent page. I enjoyed reading it..
- Date:
- 7/18/2001
And You, the Author of this Gathering Place, you have always chosen to be here and now at this most important time, ready, willing and most ingeniously able to centre The Gathering, host The Gathering and share the seeds of Awakening among those of us who have yet to become fully aware of their mission/purpose, become consciously aware of their place in The Plan. Thank-you again, as I have always thanked you many times before in those other times, spaces and places.
In Service For The One
- Date:
- 7/23/2001
I am the light of the world, and so is everyone else.
I wish more people would see this site. I did a search recently when things got really dark in my life. I typed, "God help me!" and I came across this site as if by magic. All of my searches have given me a page of
search results, but this particular time, this page just appeared on my screen.
Someone once said,
"when the student is ready, the teacher will appear"
I am glad to just be here and experience this with all who are a part of it. thank you for your selfless efforts.
Gary J. Meade
- Date:
- 7/29/2001
- Date:
- 7/29/2001
I am in tears right now after a few pages that I've read........getting to your website.....i have searched....and searched...finally found a confirmed revelation : I am indeed a Starseed! I felt so welcome in this home....I am
welcoming myself Home ! Thank you! Thank you ! Maria
- Date:
- 8/15/2001
Thank you for sharing with me :>)
love, gea
- Date:
- 8/19/2001
I appreciate you sooo much for coming forward to TEACH. I too, thought the book...
E.T. 101... WAS SPEAKING TO ME and I haven't felt so alone or as odd as I used too. Because of your site and knowledge you now have helped to AWAKEN ALL that want to be...ALIENS AMONG US by Montgomery, also was a life changer for me. Again, much LOVE AND PATIENCE to all of us on our journey. The mission now has been taken off the TOP SECRET shelf..
Love to ALL xoxoxoxoxo
- Date:
- 8/21/2001
I can't begin to tell you how much this site has touched my life! I've had many spiritual experiences that has lead me to this. You have helped me understand them more than anyone. I can't thank you enough for your commitment to the light. Keep it coming. There are unlimited amounts of beings that definitely can utilize this information to serve their higher purpose! In love and light!
- Date:
- 8/22/2001
I love your website. It is so unique~! Most "new age" websites I go to just contains links to other sites. When I follow those links the sites just have links. It's like they put them in just to say they have alot of information, but your website contains real knowledge. Thanks for all the time you have invested in this website to benefit others:)
- Date:
- 8/25/2001
I have been interested in other worldly events since I was young, but was
told that I had an over active imagination. Now I find that my inner voice has
been speaking to me all along. Someone or something is trying to teach us
their (our) language. I believe we were seeded on this planet by a higher
intelligence. Peace & Love Belledread
- Date:
- 8/30/2001
There is just something so soothing and calming about your site. No matter how bad of a mood I'm in, all I have to do is visit your site and instantly I calm down and feel an inner peace. I love the background of the stars. Thanks for a wonderful enjoyable site to visit. Crystal
- Date:
- 9/10/2001
Just a note to thank you for your wonderful inspiration. It is wonderful to have a website a good as yours!!
- Date:
- 9/11/2001
Greetings. I am so glad there is a site like this. I find the information to be quite useful
- Date:
- 9/15/2001
I feel like I have found home and many answers to the way I feel what a fantastic adventure and
I'm looking forward to going home. I have passed this website to my friend so she too can understand and find her way home too.
Thank you.
A very humble being on her long journey home. Tina x
- Date:
- 9/17/2001
Thank you for such a wonderful, illuminating site. Since early this year my husband and I have been going through the transition to the 4th dimension. At first, we didn't understand what was happening, but now all is clear. Our lives are changed for ever.
Love and Blessings to you,
Susan and Peter.
- Date:
- 9/19/2001
All praise is due to God, I thank God every day that I found your web site. So many questions that I had, have now been answered by your insight and the many blessings that have been bestowed upon you.
God bless you and keep you strong in these dark days. I now have no fear of the future, God's will be done. Peace &
- Date:
- 9/23/2001
Thank you with deep gratitude from my soul. You've done a fine job. Beautiful to behold and comprehend.
- Date:
- 9/28/2001
I feel much gratitude for the profound sharing of your website. Having experienced my "twin" in 1987, I understand how life-transforming that can be. My story is quite different from yours in context, but as indelible. The Shift - Phenomenal!
We are altering/translating at an amazing pace. The old 'struggle' has turned to gratitude and praise for All That Is. Love and Compassion for all Life are the result. Amazing Grace!
Walk in Beauty, Mikah
- Date:
- 9/29/2001
I am sure we will meet sometime!
Best wishes, and thank you
Christina sereiabr@hotmail.com
- Date:
- 10/4/2001
Thank you for the clear way for us to connect and communicate. The shift in our greater selves is a wonderful happening and beautiful to be part of.
- Date:
- 10/13/2001
I happily have come across your exquisite website. The book "The Calling" is in my heart and calls to the core of my being. Thank you for linking me to it (I will search for it
tomorrow. I have gone directly to Source, my Holy Father, like never before and I know I am being and healed and going "home" unto Him, no matter what I have thought or think or whatever I may still have to transmute. I am here, Father. I say it day and night. I love Him so
love from a sister,
Terrie evenstar11th@yahoo.com
- Date:
- 10/17/2001
Think your site is absolutely gorgeous. Both my husband and I have bookmarked it so that we can visit at leisure.I also love the music and design of the site,
as well as the content. A really big WELL DONE from me! What a lovely piece of space.
Much love
- Date:
- 10/27/2001
I am a mother of six.. I live in Croatia.. i am aware of my origins.. I am in Love With God and my new-found Twin
Flame. Oh!! God !! The Bliss.. He is in North Crolina and I am here.. But it does not
matter.. I feel him and he feels me.. we desire to help humanity.. the way to do this will
manifest.. Thank you for being YOU and for giving so much to your fellow
travellers.. Bless you and I KNOW you will live with your Twin Flame very
soon.. and so it is.. Bye!! Vesna
- Date:
- 10/28/2001
Nicholas, you are a true messenger of God. Thank you so much for sharing your insights via this website! May God bless us all through our cosmic journey.... Angela
- Date:
- 10/29/2001
Thank-u for your web and the opportunity you give us to expand or minds and
our souls. Allow me to send my message of love to my twin soul. (Thank-u)
"Whoever you are, wherever you are, know I am here, in a long waiting for
you, always. I put my hands out and pray each night with the faith of a child
for that day too. I am your twin soul, and across the ocean I send to you, all
my love - thank-u for a life of search, sacrifice, loneliness, and music...
waith, waith, waith for me, yet a little longer... soon we'll be one, I
- Date:
- 11/2/2001
- Date:
- 11/3/2001
Greetings, love your site and all the knowledge it has brought my way. Light and love Jody
- Date:
- 11/21/2001
Lia...resonating between the third and fourth dimension...
Thank you.