In order to experience and feel,
God created the physical universe in which
everything that existed, including emotions, had an exact opposite. That is the only way
it can work. To experience and feel cold, hot has to exist, to feel joy its opposite,
sadness, must exist... and so on.
Our Source created our souls as fragments or extensions of Itself. As such,
those souls retained a portion of God's consciousness. We were also gifted
with free will and the ability to create whatever we
At the
right moment, we would be released into the material universe of opposites so that we could
experience and feel all that it had to offer. And God
was to experience and feel the universe through each and every one of us. Just
as importantly, we would be an expression of our Creator wherever we wandered
through the cosmos.
As spirits, we entered the physical universe to create, to do whatever we
wanted and to experience and feel all of it. We were also aware that there
were higher love-based and lesser fear-based choices that we were always
free to make.
We also knew that God's love for us was unconditional, that no matter what we did we would
be loved. That part of the original plan guaranteed that all us would become ONE
again, as we were in the beginning when God decided to someday recall all
that had been sent forth.
As we entered the universe and roamed through its infinite wonders, immense groups of
souls split into smaller groups. Then, the smaller groups separated into
races, the races divided into families, and so on, until individual souls
Eventually, the human race came upon Earth, a truly beautiful paradise. We recognized it as a place of
3-dimensional physicality, which was vibrating at a rate that was much slower than our spirit
form. And yet its beauty was so breathtaking that we decided to see what it would be like
to experience and feel all that it had to offer.
In order to do this, we had to slow our
vibrations down and materialize into physical, (flesh) form.
We realized
that by materializing into physical form we were faced with two options. One was to appreciate physical
existence, but not get attached to it. The other was to get fully involved and caught up in
its material pleasures. If we chose the latter, we knew that we'd risk losing our
centeredness and connection with God. That is exactly what happened. This is called the
separation or the Fall of mankind.
After we entered the Earth's plane and remained for longer periods of time
in physical form, our
consciousness became more ego-centered rather than God-centered. And the
separation from the One became greater over the ages.
Not only did we separate from our
Source, we separated more and more from ourselves as a family of souls. We were no longer
one with each other or our God. With time, we've simply forgotten who we
really are and that all
of us are ONE.
The separation from
God and ourselves brought on more ego-based, self-centered thinking. The self-centeredness then
led to excessive selfishness and self-gratification. This, in turn, resulted in
separation and greed. All of this has lead to a life that is
motivated by fear and ego so that we can survive in physical reality.
Another by-product of
separation is our pain and suffering. It originates
from the belief that we are separate from our Source and ourselves. How does it work? By
believing we are separate, we end up making selfish, self-centered choices, which
creates karma that causes suffering and pain. The accumulation of negative karma
subsequently returns to us through the universal law of cause and effect.
That is, what we put
out comes back to us in this life or future lifetimes.
Our delusion, or the material dream that we are separated from the ONE and ourselves, and the
selfishness that results from it all, is the root cause of all of the problems we face
here on Earth. This way of thinking has also created a new mindset for each of us,
supports the illusion that we are indeed separate from one another.
How have our separate ways of thinking caused problems? Very simple. It has
led to...
our race is
better than your race
- our religion is the only one that will get you to God
- the final score shows we are the winners and you
are the losers
- our way is the
only right way
- our political system is superior to yours
- men are
smarter than women
- white skin is better than black skin
- Native
Americans belong on reservations
- Indigenous people are savages
- and so on
How do we change all of this? We cannot change the world. However, we can change ourselves. Don't fight the separate, selfish part of
you... your ego. That will only give it more energy to
resist your efforts.
The best way to heal the selfish, self-centered part of our nature is to love it
unconditionally and put to it in proper perspective. How do we do that? By simply loving
one's self and all things unselfishly. And by being caring,
forgiving, humble, understanding, and harmless. We must try to live a life of
unselfishness in all that we do.
This will take quite a bit of effort and many lifetimes to achieve. But it can be done. In the process, all of the many
false, negative beliefs we have accumulated over so many lifetimes will begin to dissolve
away with the fears that motivated them in the first place. In essence, we will have
to reverse and then heal everything that got each of us to this point
on our path throughout the ages. All of it must eventually be resolved with
unselfish, compassionate, forgiving, love.
What happens when we
choose a life of unselfish love? Enlightenment
results, which will only come when we have experienced the "death" of the separate, selfish
self we have become, and
live in total harmony and oneness with the Universal Spirit. In doing so we become a
servant and vehicle for God's will. At that point our pain and suffering will
finally end.
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