as long as we have had recorded history, there has been a very powerful
attraction of the masculine and feminine energies for one another. Does
it exist by accident? Is it nothing more than a by-product of Mother
Nature that guarantees more humans? Or could there be a deeper purpose
and sacred meaning to it all?
Why do we seek feelings of oneness with
another that can be so profound at times we want it to last for all of
eternity? How do we account for a knowingness deep within our being that
often reminds us we are incomplete; that there exists a someone
somewhere who will make us feel whole again?
Quite frankly, I can't
think of any other human experience that rivals the passion and
intensity of falling in love. That is why we seem to be so preoccupied
with it. Eventually, we reach a point along the spiritual journey when we
discover that it has everything to do with our souls.
mystical wisdom tells us that each individual soul is a fragment or
part of our Source. These same teachings go on to say that our Creator
has a dual nature or essence, which is an equal blend of the male-female
The dynamic interplay between
the male-female, yin-yang
energy is responsible for the incredible, creative forces that originate
within the divine mind. Since everything that exists comes from God, the
male-female essence is found in all things. This also includes your
soul, which contains an equal blend of the masculine and feminine a magnet with a positive and negative polarity, but is
whole within itself. Because of it you are neither female nor male at
the soul level. You are both.
God created the physical universe and our souls, all was perfect
harmony, bliss and oneness. Then a series of intentional divisions took
place. As part of the divine plan, the original Single Soul began to
fragment into over-souls, which divided into group souls, then family
souls and, eventually, into individual souls.
At some point in our
distant past, a final, painful division took place. It appears that a
part of each individual soul separated into its feminine and masculine
halves when we lost our way and decided to remain in a 3-dimensional,
physical body here on planet Earth. It all happened during the Fall of
humanity when we over identified with the pleasures of the material
world, developed egos and lost sight of our God-centeredness.
the Fall, male and female, twin soul halves have been wandering the Earth,
lifetime after lifetime, in search of one another. Today, those who have
reached a certain level of spiritual understanding and divine awareness
are now ready to reverse this process and begin the journey Home. The
first meaningful step of the journey is remembering our divine
connection and living it. The second is twin soul reunion with our other
one of us will eventually experience spiritual awakening because our
souls crave completion with our other half, our soul families and,
ultimately, with our Source. This yearning is irreversible and, sooner or
later, all will respond to its calling. A long-term, romantic union with
another, and the profound challenge and opportunity for unconditional
love that it represents, is a gift from God that allows the soul to
remember its divine connection and its craving for oneness with All.
That is its sacred purpose and the reason it exists. That is why we fall
in love.
2500 years ago Plato had this to say about soul partners…
when one of them meets with his other half, the actual half of himself,
the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy
and one will not be out of the other's sight even for a moment."
the ages other worthy sources besides Plato have also shed light on the
extraordinary experience of love and intimacy that transcends all others
when parts of the same soul reunite with one another. The Sufis, Edgar
Cayce, Eileen Caddy, St. Germain, Kryon, Shirley MacLaine, Jess Stearn
and others also refer to an indescribable, timeless connection that can
exist between two individuals because of its potential to go way beyond
the traditional concepts of everyday romance. These kinds of soul
partners have been called twin souls, twin flames, twin rays and other
mystical names.
is another term that has also been used to describe a profound
relationship between two individuals…soul mates. There is a
significant difference between twin souls and soul mates and the use of
both terms interchangeably has caused some confusion.
Within the same soul, there is a male and a female essence or
polarity. Each vibrates with the same frequency…like two identical
tones of the same musical instrument, with one tone being masculine and
its mirror tone being feminine. Each is an exact compliment of the other
and, for thousands of years, both have incarnated in separate bodies.
These two twin aspects of the same soul are totally unique to one
another. Said another way, there is only one other half in the entire
universe with your same soul vibration. Not surprisingly, you are
incredibly sensitive to the energy of your other half and, when soul
recognition occurs, the reaction can be very powerful and intense.
during any given lifetime, twin souls can be lovers, siblings, best
friends, and so on, depending on what they chose for themselves prior to
To make things even more interesting, the soul is
multi-dimensional. As such, many twin pairs or male-female compliments
exist within the same soul, each vibrating with their own unique
The portion of your soul that is "you" is currently
having a 3-dimensional experience here on planet Earth. Chances are,
your twin is doing the same. Each of the encounters you have had with
one another during your many previous lifetimes stoke the twin flames
and keep their memory and desire for continuing reunion alive.
mates are individuals who have developed special bonds between one
another because of many lifetimes spent together. Generally, they come
from closely related members of the same soul family. However, soul
mates are two different souls. They are not two aspects of the same
Prior to incarnating we choose the soul mates who will be a part
of our next life plan. They are often our lovers, family members, best
friends, individuals that will help us learn and grow and others who
play a meaningful role in our lives. Most romantic, long-term couplings
are of the soul mate variety as they help each partner prepare for an
eventual twin soul reunion.
Earth is now going through a very profound shift in vibration and
consciousness. We are gradually leaving the Age of Pisces and slowly
entering the New Age of Aquarius that will last some 2160 years. We
currently find ourselves in an unsettled, twilight zone between these
two cosmic influences and all the emotional conflicts that go with it.
These conflicts are causing the profound changes we are experiencing as
the old way of doing things is dying and a new way of being is dawning.
The influence of Aquarius will have a great impact on the quality of
relationships we have now and in the future. Aquarius will be a time of
peace, sharing, harmony, truth, unconditional love and spirituality. In
its wake, a lot of personal sorting out, cleansing and healing will take
place. Ego and fear-based thinking will not do well as the Aquarian
energy begins to affect our choices and way of life. That is why all
fear-based, ego-driven institutions and the like are crumbling before
our very eyes. That is why many traditional relationships are ending.
That is why the divorce rate is so high.
is an event taking place on planet Earth today that is without precedent
in human history. Millions of people are beginning to awaken to their
true spiritual nature and divine, cosmic heritage. In the process, each
of us is becoming far more aware of our soul and the incredible journey
it is on.
This revolution is setting the stage for the reunion of twin
souls as spiritual partners, who will naturally attract one another as
each grows in spiritual awareness. However, two twins will not be able
to reunite and have a fulfilling relationship until each has developed a
strong sense of themselves and both have reached a certain degree of
Self-understanding and spiritual maturity. That wisdom will help to free
them from the needs, controls, insecurities, expectations, and ownership
demands that are typically part of traditional, ego-based, relationships
and marriage couplings.
twin soul union, complete with soul-to-soul contact, intimacy and the
desire to heal past karma with one another, does not guarantee lasting
partnership, because ego is always trying to make its presence felt. The
two God mates will still have to work at their relationship, which will
endure so long as each helps the other grow spiritually. Eventually it
will be the twin partnership and all the children that derive from such
a sacred union that will build the foundation upon which the Aquarian
Age will flourish and grow.
mate partnerships are just as important as the twin kind, and quite
frankly, can be more compelling, rewarding and spiritually nourishing if
two twins find they are not ready for one another. These alternate
unions provide an opportunity for balancing and healing past karma,
while helping each partner grow spiritually as well. And by growing
spiritually, the individual sets the stage for eventual twin reunion,
this lifetime or next.
we really need to do is bless all relationships that have come into our
lives because each is sacred in its own way. After all we did plan them
with a sense of higher purpose prior to incarnating. God gave us these
opportunities to help us remember who we really are…Beings of Light
who have temporarily lost the way during our cosmic adventure. In the
process, we eventually become unconditional love, which is our divine
heritage and the ultimate destiny of our souls.
Useful References:
Souls: A Guide To Finding Your True Spiritual
Partner by
Patricia Joudry and Maurie Pressman, M.D.
Soulmates by Jess Stearn
Germain, Twin Souls & Soulmates through Azena
Ramanda and Claire Heartsong
Love Is Real by Brian Weiss, M.D.

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