Oneness The Teachings


"You are well within the process of ascension now. For ascension is not an 'event' but rather, a momentum. It is not something that happens to an individual at any given moment, and thereafter one's reality is instantaneously different. Ascension is a gradual shift in awareness, a shift in perspective, a shift in vibration, a shift in attunement, and a shift in conscious alignment with who one truly is..."

Oneness - the Teachings
~ Received and transcribed by Rasha. 

During the summer of 2003 I began to read a book called Oneness - the Teachings. All of the information contained in this book was received and transcribed by someone named Rasha. It was given to her by a universal presence called "Oneness."

Rasha's conversation with Oneness began during 1998. It led to a profound relationship in which various mystical teachings of the Oneness were communicated. This is her second book. The first was The Calling.

I can't say for sure why, but the information contained in both these books really speaks to my soul. It seems that the content is always "right on" and so relevant to the experience of personal transformation that awakening beings are experiencing on planet Earth these days.

Here are some excerpts from Oneness - the Teachings that deal with our Earthly journey, Earth changes and the End Times that are upon us. Perhaps they will enlighten your journey a bit. As always, bring to your heart what feels right for you and reach your own conclusions about the information presented below...

Transformation and Ascension

"This is the moment that you have been waiting for, for eons of existence. For, this is the lifetime that will catapult you beyond all you know to a depth of awareness and understanding you are as yet unable to fathom."

"It may seem like your life has become a testimony to uncertainty in the present period. By virtue of the fact that you are reading these words and have been drawn to the energy of this communication, you are completing 'the course.' Yet, the sense of direction toward the next phase of your life continues to elude you. It should be fairly obvious, in light of the dismantling of much of your life's structure, that extensive preparation has been done. And there is a sense of waiting for someone or something to give you the 'go-ahead' and tell you what's next."

"You are amongst the forerunners of a new paradigm who will set the precedents upon which the ground rules of the new world will be based. You have identified yourself to yourself and have dared to stand alone in the Light of your inner truth, while others, still cloaked in the self-righteousness of consensus thinking, throw stones - as the fabric of that reality unravels."

"The process of awakening is not one in which a definitive threshold is crossed and one is then enlightened, transformed or ascended,. There is much backsliding to be expected on this journey."

"You have come to this experience you know as your life in order to be able to reject, completely, the consensus view of reality imprinted upon you since birth, and to replace that structure of understanding with a perspective that totally transcends it."

"You are not a human being. This is simply an expression of form in which you have chosen to experience yourself. You are no more a human being than you are a rock or a tree... What you are is not limited to any form at all."

"The God you long to know does not seek to control you, or to punish you when you choose to express the free will with which you have been gifted."

"The God that you would hold exalted and worship from afar is no further away from you than your own heart."

The End Times

"The key to riding out the turbulence that may well manifest at the height of the vibrational shifts to come, will be your willingness to totally surrender to the process, fully aware that you may not yet understand what is, in fact, happening. The changes will be so profound and so far reaching that you will be challenged to maintain your mental and emotional equilibrium."

"... this unprecedented level of change will continue throughout what remains of this physical lifetime and well into next. For it will take quite some time for the dimensional shift to stabilize and for the reality in which you find yourself to once again be in a world where life could be considered quite predictable."

"Generations to come may speculate on what it was like to be alive in these times. For, your history will allude to conditions that they will not be able to  comprehend. The world as you know it will undergo radical transformations in the times to come."

"The systems on which your society is based will, most likely, experience a fundamental breakdown as they are built on a foundation of diminished vibration that cannot sustain itself under conditions that continue to accelerate."

"There are other segments of your population that will be totally untouched by these kinds of circumstances. It is you, many of whom are tuned-in to the higher understandings also being made available en masse in these times, who will transcend the need to be caught in the grasp of any manifestation of environmental upheaval at all. Your earthquakes and tidal waves are transpiring within you, and the ravages of famine and disease are being experienced equally by you - symbolically."

"The beings who will be incarnating in human form in the times soon to come will have a natural affinity for the world of nature. They will be able to communicate with the other life forms that populate your reality, and their easy interaction with these other forms of intelligence will set the stage for the air of peace and harmony that will prevail."   

"For a new breed of beings is scheduled to incarnate amongst you in stages, over the course of several generations. And until the conditions in your world stabilize, and a population of vibrationally adapted beings prevail, you can anticipate a populace with a radical diversity in ability and perspective."

"You will make this journey again and again. And ultimately, you will know yourself so fully and completely as Oneness that you will no longer need or wish to make the journey."

The messages within Oneness - the Teachings has an energy that will appeal to those who have reached a certain stage of spiritual awakening, while struggling to let go of an old way of life, as their new one dawns. It will also vibrate well in the heart of many who have gone through radical life change and now find themselves further down the path of inner transformation and ascension.


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