same shamans told Dr. Villoldo that the world was truly coming to an end...that the planet would be transformed over the next few years in ways
beyond our current ability to comprehend. These shamans referred to the
time period 2002 to 2012 as 'Pachacuti,' the time when everything is
turned upside down and reality is restructured."
Mysteries of the Great Cross at Hendaye"
Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges
great deal has been written about the end times that would occur around
the time period of December 21, 2012, the
date the Mayan sacred calendar inexplicably comes to an abrupt end. And
there is good reason for doing so.
advanced Mayan civilization that we know of seems to have appeared out of the mist some
3,500 years ago in the jungles of Mexico. Interestingly, it was an
elaborately developed culture right from the start. Edgar Cayce said
their ancestry came from Atlantis. This civilization went into rapid
decline approximately 900 years ago.
the Mayan artifacts tell us in no uncertain terms that they were master astronomers
with an intimate knowledge of the heavens. And they were obsessed with
recording cycles of cosmic time.
Maya described five different ages that existed in the distant past, each
lasting some 5,125 years. They have also told us that all of those ages
ended with some form of physical cataclysm, which was needed to cleanse
our planet of mankind's negative karma. Then, with the start of each new era,
our conscious evolution would begin again from the seeds of the survivors
left behind.
to the Maya, the fifth and final age began approximately 5,125 years ago. One has to
wonder why their calendar, constructed more than two thousand years ago,
mysteriously ended with the fifth age at "zero point," on the
winter solstice of 2012. Is there no next age?
The Tibetan Wheel of
Equally compelling is that almost one
thousand years ago, in another part of the world far from the Maya, an
Indian yogi named Somanatha brought the Wheel of Time (Kalachakra) to
Tibet. Soon thereafter, the first incarnate lama, Karmapa, added
refinements to the Wheel's dates.
The Wheel of Time contains a profound prophecy.
It tells us that 960 years after its introduction in Tibet in 1027 A.D.,
the end of time would come 25 years thereafter. Adding 960 to 1027 brings
us to the year 1987. Add the remaining 25 years to this date and one
arrives at 2012, the end of the Mayan calendar!
It doesn't stop there. The Hopi, whose
name means "people of peace," have sacred traditions that go
back thousands of years. Their time-honored teachings point to certain
prophecies that would manifest just before a great purification takes
place on planet Earth.
The purification would be a time when the world would shudder and
tremble causing much destruction, in order to cleanse the planet of the
karmic negativity we have created while serving as its caretakers. Not too
long ago, the Hopis said that those prophecies have now completed. It
appears that the time for purification is upon us, as we approach 2012.
Peruvian Shamans
The Hopi's friends, the Peruvian
shamans, have recently come forward to tell us that sometime between the
years 2002 to 2012 the world will be shaken and transformed in ways that
will be difficult to comprehend. It will be a time in which our reality
will be turned inside out, upside down and completely restructured.
same shamans also say that something very profound will occur this time
around, with a possible break occurring between spiritually awakened
individuals and those who are not.
Time Prophecies
Similar end time prophecies can be
found in many Eastern and Western religious teachings, in various
channeled messages given to individuals by other worldly sources, as well
as in the lore of different native cultures and esoteric texts.
Many of these prophecies describe the
return of Christ for the final judgment. Some point to financial collapse
or even WWIII that will usher in the end of days. Others speak of a
massive shift in human awareness, in which our old ways of thinking will
end, as we birth the emerging Age of Aquarius with a new collective
There is an intriguing message of
hope that Benjamin Crème has brought to millions of people around the
world for the
past thirty years. After careful study, I have to admit it deserves
open-minded consideration.
Creme tells us that Maitreya
the Christ, as the World Teacher, has been physically
with us since 1971 and that He is about to announce His presence to one
and all. Then, assisted by the Masters of Wisdom, He will guide
humanity out of the present mess we've created and work with us to build
an entirely new civilization.
What raises the eyebrows is that a vast
majority of these prophetic messages, some of which predate current time,
are converging at this moment in human destiny. Admittedly, not all agree
on the details. However, they all appear to be saying the same thing.
Something big is coming. And there is reason to believe that this is
Fingerprints of the
In his best selling book, Fingerprints
of the Gods, Graham Hancock conducted an exhaustive investigation
into mankind's remote past. This effort took him all over the world from
the Great Sphinx, to the Hopis, to the Andean ruins and to the monuments
of many ancient civilizations, including the Maya.
Hancock believes
that within the records and monuments of these ancient civilizations there
is an important message for us. He concludes that in our distant past
there were others who were very advanced technologically, but not
spiritually, such as the Atlanteans. This imbalance led to their demise.
The "fingerprints" of information that our ancestors left for us
to discover and contemplate warn of terrible Earth changes that
periodically afflict our planetary home. And the end of another cycle
appears to be upon us.
Cycles of Time
Throughout the ages, Masters and other
adepts were sent to planet Earth to help us find our way. While here they
realized that the flow of time in our material world was not linear but
cyclic. Sacred Hindu teachings, passed down to humanity for thousands of
years, tell us the same thing. This ancient knowledge was based upon the
most important cycle of Earthly time called the Great Year or Maha Yuga.
Great Year consists of 25,920 years and is said to have a profound influence on
the destiny of mankind. It results from the phenomenon known
as precession that is caused by the slow wobble of planet Earth, as it
rotates on its axis. It takes 25,920 years to complete one turn of the wobble, which is
represented by the circle in the image below and by the animation below it.
The Wobble of Planet Earth
In variance with the Mayan calendar,
the Hindu teachings describe how the Great Year is made up of four ages,
or Yugas, each approximately 6,480 years in length (either way, both the
Mayan calendar and Hindu wisdom agree that we are now at the extreme end
of the Great cycle). Based upon the Yuga count, we are living out the
final moments of the fourth age, the Kali Yuga or Iron Age, when humanity
sinks to its lowest level. And we are
told that such an ending will have profound implications for our cosmic
Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye
I recently read a book called The
Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye that continued to bring the end times into further focus for me.
One has to be a bit diligent and studious while reading certain parts of
the book, but the rewards are worth the effort.
According to the authors, an
extraordinary message was carved into the mysterious cross at Hendaye,
discovered in a churchyard in the south of France. It's significance flows
forward from the ancient Egyptian mystery schools, the secret knowledge of
alchemy, Gnosticism, the Kabbalah, Sufism and mystical Christianity. The
authors conclude that whoever carved the celestial alignments and
inscriptions on this cross several centuries ago had a profound knowledge
of the universe.
The body of information encoded within
the cross' message deals with the end times, the 25,920-year cycle and may
very well be linked to the age of Atlantis. Most importantly, the
celestial alignments on the cross clearly show that it is a marker stone
for a future cleansing that will occur sometime between the years 1992 and
The authors of the Hendaye cross book
have fitted together the pieces of an alchemical puzzle that does not
depend upon prophesy. Rather, they point to specific celestial alignments
and inscriptions embedded in the cross' messages that connect to serious
Earth changes. In fact, the next cleansing, coinciding with the general
time period of 2012, may have already begun.
And just exactly what is coming?
According to the Hendaye Cross book, a mysterious alchemist named
Fulcanelli left humanity certain teachings during the early 1900s. He appears to
be the end of an alchemical lineage that goes back some 6,000 years, which
included, among many others, Hermes, Isis, Leonardo DaVinci, Sir Isaac
Carl Jung and JRR Tolkien, the author of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Fulcanelli tells us that based upon the cross' encoded message the
northern hemisphere of planet Earth will be tried by fire, as a result of
a double catastrophe (overheating sun? gamma ray bursts from the center of
our galaxy?). Furthermore, the cause of this catastrophic
cleansing will originate from an off-earth source.
The authors of this book also cite
recent scientific evidence to suggest that the periodic cataclysms
afflicting our planet can be traced to explosive bursts of
incomprehensible energy that periodically discharge from the center of our
galaxy. In some esoteric writings, the galactic core has been referred to
as the Central Sun, which emits rays of divine influence that guide the
evolution of our galaxy and all who inhabit it.
The enormous outbursts of light energy
that come from the galactic core appear to be in sync with different
stages of the 25,920-year cycle. For example, the last significant change
that overtook planet Earth occurred approximately 13,000 years ago,
halfway through the Great Cycle. At that time, the last Ice Age ended with
catastrophic flooding, and, as some suggest, massive earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions and perhaps a violent displacement of the Earth's crust
resulting in a pole shift.
Interestingly, recent scientific evidence published by Dr. Paul LaViolette
proposes that a massive burst of super wave energy was released from the
galactic core approximately 13,000 years ago. Keep in mind that the
pendulum of the Great Year has now swung all the way to its opposite side,
as we enter the final days of the 25,920-year cycle.
Ancient wisdom tells us that the Great
Year is a function of God's cosmic clock, which creates constant change
and opportunities for our growth and evolution. In unison with other
cycles, it gives rise to the natural, rhythmic flow of birth and death
that affects the disappearance and reappearance of Earth changes, lunar
cycles, the four seasons, and the phases of our own lives.
The Maya and
others are telling us that the hands of cosmic time are once again
striking twelve for mankind. As such, a transition has begun that will
give birth to a divinely inspired, quantum leap in human experience.
Will anyone survive the cleansing that
may soon be upon us? Fulcanelli and others say that only spiritually
awakened souls will remain after the coming changes. And those souls will
form the seeds of future generations who will usher in and sanctify the
coming Golden Age.
Related teachings indicate that in the process of
separating the wheat from the chaff the spiritually aware will be brought
into a higher realm of existence. The remainder of humanity would continue
to awaken to their divine nature through another 25,920-year cycle on
another 3-dimensional planet similar to Earth until they are ready to
How quickly will these changes occur?
Some say in the blink of an eye. Others suggest it will begin shortly and
take centuries or longer to complete.
Taken together, this kind of
information is a lot for the human mind to bear. What are we to make of
all these messages? Can this really be the end of time? Will all of this
end-of-days hoopla be just another doomsday scenario that passes us by in
a whimper?
I for one believe that an old cycle of
human history is indeed coming to an end so that something new can be
born. I also feel it will be coupled with physical cleansing. How much upheaval
occurs and to what degree it challenges our everyday lives remains to be
seen. The reason is that the future is fluid and will be defined by the
individual and collective
choices we are making today. Either way, I feel we are in the early stages of
profound change that will intensify as we head toward the year 2012 and
continue thereafter.
I base my feelings on two unmistakable
warning signs that are difficult to ignore because both exist for all to
see: (1) the relentless destruction of our environment, and, (2) the
rampant end-of-the-Iron-Age symptoms, which are now apparent throughout
the far reaches of this once magnificent planet.
Clearly, we have maxed out our global home. Earth
Mother cannot replenish her resources fast enough to satisfy our
collective greed. The environment is almost at the point of irreversible
destruction. I would guess that we have a window of twenty years or so
before this happens.
Add to the above the recent Pentagon
report of rapid climate change that could occur over the next twenty
years due to global warming and we have the ingredients for climate
disaster and planetary chaos. Throw in global
dimming, changes in the ocean
currents, which have already been reported,
rapidly retreating glaciers,
rampant greed, wars, deception, attempts at global domination by powerful
countries, unending materialism and self-gratification and the end result
only intensifies.
Sadly, it is a time when far too many
of us know more about the Sopranos, our gas-guzzling SUVs, Paris Hilton,
and our financial portfolios than we do about our own souls.
For sure, there are gradual signs
that higher choices are being made today for the betterment of mankind and
the well being of our planet. What we need is an overnight change that can
tip the
scales of humanity's collective consciousness towards God-centeredness,
love, harmony, peace, justice, and sharing and away from the current
madness. And that is exactly what it will take before the rapidly closing
window of opportunity to advance the human spirit closes around us.
Ancient lore says that Atlantis was
destroyed because technology became God and relatively few Atlanteans were
spiritually aware and living their truth. Humanity didn't learn how to
balance and harmonize the two for the greater good back then. It seems we
are making the same mistake again.
all the trees have been cut down,
When all the animals have been hunted,
When all the air is unsafe to breathe,
Only then will you discover that you
cannot eat money"
A Cree prophecy |
of the Gods by Graham Hancock
Mayan Prophesies by
Adrian Gilbert and Maurice Cotterell
Prophesies and Predictions by Moira Timms
Earth Under Fire
by Paul LaViolette, Ph.D.
Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye by V. Bridges
Great Approach by Benjamin Creme
Benjamin Creme: www.shareintl.org
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