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Is God Ok With Sex?


"The sexually active are no less qualified for enlightenment, no less spiritually evolved, than the sexually inactive. 

What enlightenment and evolution do cause you to drop is your addiction to sex, your deep need to have the experience, your compulsive behaviors."

Conversations with God 
Given to Neale Donald Walsch... by God


In the three Conversations with God books, one can find rich and meaningful insights into many things, including sexuality. For those not familiar with these extremely popular books, Neale Donald Walsch, while in an altered state, carries on a dialogue with God, which he puts into writing. God's explanations about sex are the best I've ever seen and I'd like to share a few of those thoughts with you.

It begins with Mr. Walsch asking God some questions...


Is sex "okay." C'mon - what is the real story behind this human experience? Is sex purely for procreation, as some religions say? Is true holiness and enlightenment achieved through denial - or transmutation - of the sexual energy? It is okay to have sex without love? Is just the physical sensation of it okay enough without a reason?


Of course sex is "okay." Play with sex, Play with it. It's wonderful fun. Why its the most fun you can have with your body, if you're talking of strictly physical experiences alone.

But for goodness sake, don't destroy the sexual innocence and pleasure and purity of the fun, the joy, by misusing sex. Don't use it for power, or hidden purpose; for ego gratification or domination; for any purpose other than the purest joy and the highest ecstasy, given and shared - which is love, and love recreated - which is new life! 

With regard to denial, nothing has ever been achieved through denial. Yet desires change as even larger realities are glimpsed. It is not unusual, therefore, for people to simply desire less, or even no, sexual activity - or, for that matter, any of a number of activities of the body.

You want to experience yourself as a person who has sex without love? Go ahead! You'll do that until you don't want it anymore. And the only thing that will - that could ever - cause you to stop this, or any, behavior, is your newly emerging thought about Who You Are.


Why did you make sex so good, so spectacular, so powerful a human experience if all we are to do is stay away from it as much as we can? What gives?


There is so much more to be said about sex than is being said here - but nothing more essential than this: sex is joy, and many of you have made sex everything else but.

Sex is sacred, too - yes. But joy and sacredness do mix (they are in fact the same thing) and many of you think they are not.

You have shamed sex, even as you have shamed life, calling it evil and wicked, rather than the highest gift and the greatest pleasure. 

Regarding children...

... you will not allow your offspring to be taught to celebrate themselves and their bodies, their humanness and their wondrous sexual selves. And you will not allow your children to know that they are, first and foremost, spiritual beings inhabiting a body. Nor do you treat your children as spirits coming into bodies.

In societies where sexuality is openly spoken of, freely discussed, joyously explained and experienced, there is virtually no sexual crime, only a tiny number of births which occur when they are not expected, and no "illegitimate" or unwanted births. In highly evolved societies, all births are blessings, and all mothers and all children have their welfare looked after. Indeed, the society would have it no other way.

If you are having sex from only your lower chakra center, you are operating from the root chakra alone, and missing by far the most glorious part of the experience. 

There are many more remarkable insights into sexuality for both adults and children in the three Conversations with God books. I highly recommend you consider reading them to expand your awareness. Millions like yourself already have and it's helping to change our collective consciousness and our planet.


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