The year 2012 has come and gone. As prophesized, the old-world order is
beginning to collapse, its demise is certain, and the efforts of those
in control are getting more desperate.
Orwellian deception is rampant, the truth is hard to discern anymore,
constant warfare has been normalized, world debt is out of control,
man-made pandemics and forced vaccinations with harmful drugs are
commonplace, citizens are constantly surveilled and tracked, anti-human
artificial intelligence programs are emerging, the woke agenda threatens
the family unit and our children, and it seems like we are staring into
an abyss.
Suddenly, the world feels very uncomfortable and insecure. It has never
felt like this before. What’s going on?
Wise ancients from vastly different cultures have left us a message with
a common theme. They described cyclical Earth changes that occur like
clockwork, as our planet goes through four Ages every 25,920 years: the
Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, and the Iron Age.
The 25,920-year cycle is
directly related to a phenomenon known as the precession of the
equinoxes, caused by the the wobble of planet Earth on its axis
(explained here).
Each Age has different qualities for humans to experience and, with free
will, decide who and what they want to be…lifetime after lifetime.
Today, in the year 2023, we are at the extreme end of the Iron Age, an
Age of discord when most of humanity reaches its densest form and sinks
to its worst levels of behavior. Look out your window for confirmation.
The Golden Age is the extreme opposite of the Iron Age, characterized by
the qualities of truth, justice,
harmony, compassion, brotherhood, and sharing - the hallmarks of an
advanced degree of spiritualism.
This raises a very BIG question. How can Iron Age humanity transition
into Golden Age humanity when the cycle turns? It just doesn’t compute
for me.
What does make sense is that within today’s total Iron Age population
there is a select group of souls who do qualify for the shift into the
Golden Age.
How might this work? It will take a while, perhaps decades or longer,
to complete the physical cleansing of planet Earth that could happen by
way of an asteroid strike and/or other forms of planetary upheavals. It
may very well be that the cleansing is in its earliest stages, given the
Earth changes we’ve been experiencing.
When the cleansing is complete, the surviving remnants of souls who
qualify for the new Golden Age will serve as “seeds” for the new
population, so that it can begin anew. It has happened before and will
happen again. Watch the superb Netflix documentary by Graham Hancock titled
Ancient Apocalypse.
This scenario, a cleansing
before the shift to a New Golden Age, is also consistent with communications
I received from John Van
Auken, Director of the Edgar Cayce Institute, and
Bibhu Dev
a researcher extraordinaire of cosmic cycles and ancient civilizations.
There is one last piece to this puzzle. A VERY important one. The oldest
Hindu sacred writings from ancient India contain a prophetic quote by a very
advanced being…
When goodness
grows weak, When evil increases, I make myself a body. In every age I come back To deliver the holy, To destroy the sin of the sinner, To establish righteousness.
~ Bhagavad
At this moment in time, God's cosmic cycles, big and small, are
climaxing...the end of the Piscean Age, the beginning of Aquarius, the
close of the Mesoamerican fifth world, the ending of the Iron Age, and
the end of the Mayan calendar around 2012 when the 25,940 Great Year
came to a close.
Given the close proximity of these cycles, one would expect a VERY
advanced being to come into our midst “to establish righteousness…to
deliver the holy” and to provide guidance for those who are ready to
build a new Golden Age.
“To deliver the holy”…might these words refer to those who qualify for the new
Golden Age?
More than likely, most of humanity will not resonate with nor heed the
message of this highly advanced soul. Those who are ready, will.
In another
section of this website, I alluded
to the return of the Christ energy. A useful
overview that highlights the
ancient teachings of Wisdom regarding the return of the Christ comes
from Group Avatar: Newest Link in the Chain of Hierarchy.
Amongst other things, the author and others tell us...
"An ancient Hindu prophecy from the Vishnu Purana states that
before the Formless One will appear, wealth will be decreasing day by
day until nearly the whole world will be deprived. Property alone will
confer rank. Devotion will be given to wealth alone. Passion will be the
sole bond between the sexes. Falsehood will be the only successful means
of litigation. Women will be merely objects of sensual gratification.
The Earth will be venerated only for its mineral treasures.”
Does this not sound like today?
In spite of these dishonorable conditions, the Avatar's [Christ’s]
potent energy will destroy all existing crystallized evil structures, so
that a New Age can be born.
When is the Silent Avatar coming? According to both the Hindu and the
Buddhist scriptures, the Kalki Avatar will come at the end of the Kali
Yuga [Iron Age], the present age of darkness.
In June 1943, Alice Bailey,
author of more than twenty-four books on various theosophical and
esoteric subjects,
that "the reappearance of the
Christ and the externalization of the Hierarchy...could begin as early
as 2025."
Will the Christ be stopped by evil forces this time? Alice Bailey tells
us, "Naught can arrest His return, none can impede His Path." In other
words, He's unstoppable and cannot be harmed in any way.
When the next Golden Age emerges, new forms of government, education,
spirituality/religion, and science will begin to take form in
communities that thrive on empathy for all. And, along
with a more balanced way of life, the essential needs of every woman,
man, and child will be met.
Towards the end
of the 1990s, God gave this message to Neal Donald Walsh, which was
published in Book III of the Conversations with God trilogy...
God continued:...
I am saying that once before on your planet you had reached the heights
- beyond the heights, really, - to which you now are slowly climbing.
You had a civilization on Earth more advanced than the one now existing.
And it destroyed itself.
Not only did it
destroy itself, it nearly destroyed everything else as well. It did this
because it did not know how to deal with the very technologies it had
developed. Its technological evolution was so far ahead of its spiritual
evolution that it wound up making technology its God.
Walsch: This all
happened here, on this Earth?
God: Yes
Walsch: Are you
talking about the Lost City of Atlantis?
God: Some of you
have called it that.
Walsch: And
Lemuria? The land of Mu?
God: That is also
part of your mythology.
Walsch: So then it
is true? We did get to that place before?
God: Oh beyond it,
my Friend. Way beyond it.
Walsch: And we
did destroy ourselves?
God: Why are you
surprised? You're doing the same thing now."
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