guidance from the Spirit world comes to us in many ways...
- through visions, images, pictures that come into
our head
- through sounds, voices or words inside or outside our head
- through strong feelings, gut feelings, hunches, premonitions
- thoughts, ideas,
impressions, an awareness or a solution
that pops into the mind out of nowhere,
- through a strong knowingness about something that
comes to mind
- through meditation
- through our dreams
- through the animals that the Native Americans made a
sacred part of their lives
- through synchronous events
The messages we receive can be very direct
at times and leave no doubt that we've received a communication. There are many stories
about people who heard a voice or had a profound vision telling them do this or that, and
it turned out to be extremely helpful in their lives, often times preventing a tragedy.
When this "voice" comes into your life you'll know it wasn't you speaking to
The guidance could also be a vision or series of visions in your head that pops out of
nowhere, it doesn't require any guesswork on your part, and serves a very valuable
How do I know this is possible? Twice I had a voice speak to me in my
head: once during a
time of extraordinary stress and the other during meditation when I asked for and
received the name of my twin soul. I've also had three, crystal clear, living color
images appear in my head during separate meditations, one of which predicted an unknown
pregnancy, within a month of it being discovered.
These kinds of communications, the direct, obvious ones are easy to understand. The more
challenging, but equally meaningful communications, are the indirect or subtle ones.
With these
we have to remain more aware while listening for clues and then try and figure things out on our own when
they happen.
Let me give you an example. You ask God
or your guides a specific question, "Should I take a new job that just became available?" For days, you receive no answer. A week later you
head for the job interview, your car breaks down and the interview is postponed. Several
days later you are told someone else filled the job. Spirit has told you this job
is not for you. Five months later you learn that this company went out of business.
Here's another that can occur without even asking a question. You are driving to the store. Halfway
there a thought pops into your head telling you that you left your money at home (usually
we get angry at that moment). You return home and discover a message on your answering
machine that your 5 year-old daughter is not feeling well at school and needs to be
brought home immediately.
Here's another. You ask your guides, "Will my relationship with my loved one lead to
long-term partnership?" Several hours later a song you are listening to sends a
message or confirmation to you. Or several days later you are reading a book that
your question. Or a day or so later you happen to overhear a conversation and the words
you hear address your question. Or perhaps a voice within a dream you have responds to the
question and you "feel" or "know" your question has been answered.
Here's another. You've been thinking a lot about someone, but are hesitant to contact
him or her.
So you ask your guides, "Should I call?" A day later, while stopped for a red
light, you see a truck in front of you. On the back there is a word or several words that
remind you of that person such as their name, or street or town he or she lives in. There, in big letters, is the word CALL (which is the "800" number of the
company truck). Here Spirit relies on us to make the connection. If we fail to act on this
message, it will probably become more pronounced. Over the next week or two, similar
messages will most likely be sent to you.
The Spirit
world can be quite persistent. And it often takes courage to believe in the subtle
or symbolic answers we receive. That is why several messages received in a burst over a
short period of time should be taken seriously. Repetition is important. Our Angels
know we may have difficulty making associations or picking up the clues they are sending.
They also know we sometimes do not have the courage to act on the subtle answers received.
If at times you are confused or can't seem to "hear" a response, don't hesitate
to ask again. Spirit/angels/guides love this interaction with you.
I cannot stress one point enough. If we ask a question, it will be answered and it
take long for that to occur. This is guaranteed. Furthermore, the Spirit world is sending
us guidance all the time whether we ask a question or not. It is crucial that we become
more sensitized and receptive to this.
As mentioned above, one of these forms of guidance
is called a synchronous event. This is an experience or set of circumstances
that come into our lives unexpectedly... something we didn't plan on. It just pops in out
of the clear blue. These kinds of events can be major and change the course of our lives,
medium, which are less dramatic, or small which fine tune our paths. They are all forms of
guidance and communication.
also important to keep in mind that if no answer is received, it is an
answer. It most likely means that guidance would not serve one well at that
moment or that other things might have to fall into place before an answer
is available. So just sit tight, don't get frustrated because you have no
guidance. Wait a bit and ask the question again. And don't be afraid to ask
the same question several times over if you are a bit unsure of the guidance
you received.
Another remarkable way in which a question can be answered or a form of
guidance received is through the animal world.
And the Native Americans knew this well.
an example of "animal speak." Several years ago, I was entering an Interstate ramp and noticed a hawk
gliding close to the left hand side of the car. It stayed there for 5-10 seconds and then
veered right in front of me and then out of sight. This was quite unusual (animal
messages need to be out of the ordinary to be meaningful). Hawk medicine
typically stands for, "Be observant, keep your eyes open for something, life is sending you
a signal, be on the alert for something, etc."
A day or so later, while driving down a country road, a wild turkey walked out onto the
roadway and I had to stop my car. Slowly and methodically, it crossed the road in front of me
just taking all the time it needed, and making sure I noticed it. If turkey medicine comes into your life, it
generally means you are being given a gift.
I put the two animal medicine messages together and took them to mean, "Look out
for a gift that will come into your life." Several days later my daughter was opening
a letter from her college while I was on the phone. I heard a shriek! She told me she had
been awarded over $10,000 in financial aid!
I have had many other unusual animal experiences, which served as messages or guidance.
Once, when I was feeling very low and surrounded by negative energy, I was entering the
basement door of my brother's house. The door was solid on the bottom and had a pane of
glass on the upper half divided into sections by wood trim. On one of the ledges of wood,
approximately 31/2 feet from the ground was a tiny, green frog, no bigger than a bumblebee. I was astonished. I couldn't figure how such a little frog could have jumped onto
that small ledge of wood several feet above the ground. But there it sat looking up at me.
I instantly
recognized frog as
"medicine" and then gently placed it in a nearby woods. What is frog
medicine? In part, it means we should cleanse ourselves with water to remove any
negative energy and, in the process, we help cleanse the soul and feel more
How can we tell when
the Spirit world is talking to us? Divine guidance is always love-based, brings you joy
(even though it may not be the answer you want), is supportive, has a loving energy to it,
empowers you, and so on.
False guidance is fear-based, normally creates anxiety, discontent,
does not feel right, jumps from subject to subject, creates competition or
conflict and weakens you.