EDGAR CAYCE continued... Going back to the early years of Atlantis strange things continued to happen. Consider the following reading Cayce gave for an individual who had a previous life during that same period of time: "in Atlantean land before Adam - timekeeper for those who were called things or servants or workers of the people - entity felt need of change or reform so that every individual would have the right of choice or freedom - felt desire to improve the conditions for worker - felt need of God’s hand in what evil or Satan had brought in the earth. (5249-1) What were these "things" that Cayce referred to? He said that they lived side by side with the Atlanteans throughout their history. In other readings, he refers to them as "automatons" and, apparently, they were nothing more than slaves or living machines who were described as follows:
"Those entities that were then the producers, or the laborers, the
farmers or the artisans, or those who were in the positions of what we
would call in the present just machines…" Where did these "things" come from? Were they genetically engineered at some point in the past? Did the Atlanteans form them? Were they a less evolved form of modern man? Were they hybrids formed between the Atlanteans and primitive man? Or were they clones developed by a process that was not yet fully perfected? Unfortunately, Edgar Cayce was never asked these questions. Cayce goes on to say that over thousands and thousands of years the Atlanteans developed into a highly advanced civilization, during which there was a constant struggle between the Sons of Man who preferred a life of self-pleasure and materialism and the Sons of God who were divinely oriented (it's possible that these two groups were the "sons of darkness" and the "sons of light" referred to in the Dead Sea Scrolls). Cayce also makes reference to Atlantean airplanes, lasers, underwater boats, advanced weapons of destruction and other forms of high technology. During that same period of history, the "things" or "automatons" became a key issue of morality between the Sons of Man and the Sons of God. Eventually, the Sons of Man won out. Over time their kind gave in to the temptations and evils of materialism by losing sight of their true spiritual nature and taking unfair advantage with our planet. Ultimately, the misuse of technology and machines of destruction, the lack of spiritual balance in their lives, and the abuse of the environment ended in the cataclysmic destruction of Atlantis, the last stage of which occurred approximately 12,500 years ago. This is a key date that keeps emerging time and time again in our planet’s history. Cayce also said that between 28,000 B.C. and 10,000 B.C. some of the inhabitants of Atlantis spread out in several directions during the final stages of its destruction. One large group headed to the western reaches of North America; others went to South America, Central America and Mexico, some of whom became the Mayans. When they arrived at these western locations, they were greeted by…other humans! The other group of Atlanteans headed eastward in the direction of Egypt, North Africa, France, Spain, Portugal and Britain just before the final sinking of this great continent. Consider the following life reading Cayce gave for another individual:
"… in Atlantis during periods of the breaking up of the land. Set sail
for Egypt, but ended up in the Pyrenees in what are now Portuguese,
French and Spanish lands. In Calais may still be seen the chalk cliffs
of the entity’s followers as attempts (were made) to create a temple
activity for the followers of the Law of One. First to establish a
library of knowledge in 10,300 B.C. in what later became Alexandria in
Egypt." In a short period of time, the superior Atlanteans took charge of everyday life in Egypt. Under the leadership of an individual called Ra-Ta, a wise, spiritual priest, who Cayce says was himself in a former life, Egypt went through a golden age of growth and development during which the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid at Giza were built. Throughout the golden age in Egypt, a Temple of Beauty and Temple of Sacrifice were established for medical, educational and spiritual purposes. It was in these institutions that the "things" or "automatons" were treated to put them on a par with existing humans at that time. Cayce described it as follows: "…These bodies gradually lost, then, feathers from their legs… many lost hair from the body, gradually taken away. Many began to lose their tails, or protuberances in various forms. Many paws or claws were changed to hand and foot, so that there might be more symmetry to the body. Hence… the body became more erect, better shaped to meet the various needs." (294-149) Eventually, the golden age gradually declined over many generations and reached a low point between 7000 and 9000 years ago. Edgar Cayce reminded us that whole civilizations reincarnate in order to heal past karma. The parallels between the way of life in Atlantis and what is going on today are striking and are hard to ignore. Cayce summed up our past very well when he said, "Man’s origin was as a spirit, not a physical body. These souls projected themselves into matter, probably for their own diversion, interrupting an evolutionary pattern then going on in the Earth. Through the use of his creative powers for selfish purposes, man became entangled in matter or materiality to such an extent that he nearly forgot his divine origin and nature."
We’ll close with Edgar Cayce by citing readings he gave for two of his patients. One reading was for an individual who evidently lived during the times of the Mayans, with emphasis on the last phrase of the message. In trance Cayce said: "It was just before that period when those as from the east had come, and there were the beginnings of the unfoldments of the understanding that there were other portions of the same land, or those that were visiting from other worlds or planets…" (1616 - 1:27) It would seem that "those as from the east" were the Atlanteans who had migrated westward and eventually became the Mayans. But, far more interesting was his mention of "those that were visiting from other worlds or planets?" The second reading was for an individual who lived during the time of Atlantis around 10,000 B.C.: "Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land. There we find the entity was very close to those in authority; being that one who was the keeper of the portals as well as the messages that were received from the visitation of those from the outer spheres... Both readings indicate that the visitors came from places other than planet Earth. That would make them extraterrestrials. Would it not?