Edgar Cayce
The Sleeping Prophet

-The Man-
-The Origins Of Man-

-The Man-

Edgar Cayce, known as the "sleeping prophet," was a truly remarkable individual with highly accurate psychic powers. 

Born in 1877, he grew up in the farm country of Kentucky. As a young child, he often told his parents that he was able to see and talk to "visions," including those of relatives who had died. 

While sitting alone in the woods one day, a woman appeared before him. She asked what he would like to do with his life. He answered "most of all I would like to be helpful to others, especially to children when they are sick." Suddenly, the woman disappeared just as mysteriously as she first came into view. Little did he know how that wish, made from the heart at such a young age, would someday come true for him.

Edgar Cayce's formal education ended with the seventh grade. While working as a salesman at the age of twenty-one, he developed a paralysis of the throat muscles and experienced difficulty speaking for quite some time. All known medical remedies failed to cure the problem. Finally, in an act of desperation, hypnosis was tried. While in a deep trance, Cayce surprised everyone present by not only diagnosing his own problem, but by recommending a cure that eventually restored his ability to speak normally again. Later, he found he could induce this trance on his own, during which he was able to tap into the "Universal Consciousness," (Akashic Records) or source of Higher knowledge.

Local doctors heard of Cayce's abilities and asked if he would help them diagnose their patients. Understandably, he was very reluctant to do so but, encouraged by his wife, he eventually gave in. That was the start of his life mission. The doctors soon discovered that all he needed to conduct his diagnostic readings was the name and address of the patient involved. Somehow, he was able to tune into their minds and bodies regardless of where they lived. His results were so successful that in 1910 the New York Times published several pages of headlines and pictures describing his accomplishments. 

By the end of 1945, this marvelous man, who devoted so much of his life to the service of humanity, had given well over 14,000 readings for more that 6,000 people, all of which were religiously hand recorded. 

Approximately 9,000 of Cayce's readings were for medical purposes. Several more thousand dealt with people's lives (life readings), while the remainder covered various topics related to metaphysical, spiritual and other matters. He never solicited a fee for these readings. What was truly unique about his clinical diagnoses and cures was that the medical terms he often used required an extensive medical background, for which he had none.

In 1954, the University of Chicago held him in such respect that a Ph.D. thesis, based upon his life and contributions to humanity, was evaluated and approved by the reviewing faculty. 

In 1943, a book called "There is a River" was published about his life story, which has yet to go out of print. Other books followed about his medical insights and life teachings and, to date, well over 400 of them have been published in the United States alone. Of those 400, at least 50 of them have been written by MD's and Ph.D.'s.

In a recent conversation with a representative from the Edgar Cayce Foundation located in Virginia Beach, Virginia (Association for Research and Enlightenment), she kindly shared some very interesting statistics with me. 

The Cayce readings have now been entered into a computer and put on CD-ROM. They contain approximately 78 million words, or about the equivalent of 870 books. It takes 12 cases of Xerox paper to print out the entire set of readings, about 140,000 pages in all. If they were stacked on top of one another, the pile would reach about 40 feet high. Laid end to end, the paper trail would go on for approximately 19 miles!

In 1979, a Dr. John Callan wrote in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association that Edgar Cayce might well be the father of Holistic medicine. 

The holistic form of medical treatment goes well beyond the normal methods of health care, which put most of the focus on treating the disease. Holistic healing takes into consideration the mind, body and spirit of the patient, in other words the "whole" individual and is the same general approach used by Edgar Cayce. 

In addition to his health related readings, Cayce's predictions of future events have also established a high degree of accuracy, which is difficult to ignore. Was he a mad man, a quack, a charlatan? I hardly believe so. Even though his readings were not totally accurate, the vast majority of them were. As a result, I take him quite seriously and give serious consideration to what he has to say. Millions of people do.

And I also pay attention to what he had to say about the origins of man. He was not the first in history to receive divinely inspired guidance or channeled  messages from the spirit world. The list of mystics, saints and ordinary people who fit into this category is quite large. 

"Inspired" information I seriously consider has to pass through my filter of discernment. There has to be, at the very least, a consistent theme of love to the messages, honor and respect must be shown for our free will and there should be no hint or form of control or negative energy involved. 

In addition, final decisions about the purpose of the information should be our own and they must not say that their message is the only way to knowledge and wisdom. Finally, the person, the source of the information and the communication itself has to "feel" right. The heart can advise us well here. At that point, I take it in with an open mind and draw my own conclusions about their content, meaning and intent. Edgar Cayce meets all of my criteria and more.  

-The Origins Of Man-

What also makes Edgar Cayce an interesting study is that he was a devout Christian who not only taught Sunday school, but also read the entire Bible, cover to cover, once each year for every year of his life. His description of creation and Genesis, obtained while in trance, is quite different and far more complex than that found in the Bible.

In general, his readings teach that, as spirits, some of us came to planet Earth 10.5 million years ago. These adventuresome souls were not separate male and female entities but androgynous. They not only played at creating various life-forms, but also "projected" themselves into the many creatures that were already evolving at that time, and also took on material bodies of their own that were not truly human but close to it.

Over the ages these same spirits or "fallen angels" were seduced by the physical world. Slowly but surely they identified more and more with the various life-forms that existed. In the process, they lost their balance and found themselves behaving more materialistic than spiritual as a result of it.

Instead of bringing a sense of the divine to the material world these fallen spirits became trapped, "hardened," and "set in." Eventually, they forgot their God-consciousness and tried to form their own earthly kingdoms apart from God. This has been referred to as the Fall of Mankind.

At this point, dates become unclear because the next period of time that Cayce refers to is estimated to be 200,000 B.C., the early period of Atlantis. As a result, there is a big gap of missing history that stretches from 10.5 million years to approximately 200,000 years ago.

Presumably, during this break in human history, the souls who had lost their way continued to be trapped in the earth plane. Cayce referred to these inferior spiritual beings as the Sons of Man. Other spirits not caught up in the Earth's material grip decided to aid these lost souls who no longer remembered their true identity and had forgotten their God-centeredness. 

The second group of souls, called the Sons of God, were brought to Earth by Amilius (Jesus' first human incarnation as the biblical Adam), perhaps as many as 200,000 to 1 million years ago, in order to lead the lost ones back to an awareness of their Creator. At this same time the separation of sexes occurred when male and female entities began to manifest in physical form.    

In order to accomplish their mission, the Sons of God realized that an appropriate material body, with a suitable level of consciousness and intelligence, would be needed to serve as a physical vehicle that could be occupied by the spirits of the lost souls. Then through spiritual growth, karma and reincarnation over many lifetimes, the Sons of Man could eventually liberate themselves through free will choices to be the Beings of Light they really are.

Overall, the soul would have many opportunities to balance the spiritual, mental and physical aspects of being human, at which point it would no longer be necessary to occupy a 3-dimensional physical body for another lifetime.

As a part of the plan to develop a suitable physical body for the lost souls, the five races of "man" were brought forth simultaneously and at different locations on our planet. During Cayce's trance, the questions and answers regarding the five races went as follows:

Q. Did the appearance of what became the five
     races occur simultaneously?

A. Occurred at once.

Q. Are the places designated for the beginning of
     the five races correct?

A. As we find, those in the Gobi, the yellow; the
     white in the Carpathians, the red in the
     Atlantean and the American; the brown in the
     Andean; the black in the plain and the Sudan in
     the African. (364-13)

The readings suggest that the five races were pre-human creatures who evolved into the modern version of man we are familiar with today. 

As an interesting aside, a recent article in the prestigious scientific journal, Nature, describes the discovery of an ancient primate in Thailand, which indicates that humanity’s closest cousins developed in several different places at once. This discovery also adds further strength to the growing argument that humans evolved in several different places at the same time rather than in Africa alone.

Just how long it took for the five races to mature and develop is unknown. Cayce also said that the these versions of pre-man existed on our planet before "Adam" first appeared some 200,000 years ago in Atlantis. And it was through this Adam that Jesus first manifested in physical form.

The eyebrows raise even higher with Edgar Cayce's information when we look at more of the 650 or so life readings he gave for Atlantis as well as a few touching on Lemuria. 

Let’s start with Lemuria, a large continent that Cayce said existed before Atlantis perhaps as many as 300,000 to 1 million years ago. It was located in the general area of Southern California and the pacific coast of South America, from which it extended westward into the Pacific Ocean. Over time, Lemuria became inhabited by many creatures including "pre-man" whose culture eventually reached a point of development comparable to the stone age. At some point before the emergence of Atlantis, the pacific continent of Lemuria was destroyed in a series of earthly cataclysms.

The description of man’s emergence on Earth continues when, some 200,000 years ago, the spirit forms in Atlantis gradually became full-time material beings and established a culture there. Edgar Cayce described this land mass and its location as follows:

"The position… the continent of Atlantis occupied is between the Gulf of Mexico on the one hand and the Mediterranean upon the other. Evidences of this lost civilization are to be found in the Pyrenees and Morocco, British Honduras, Yucatan and America. There are some protruding portions… that must have at one time or another been a portion of this great continent. The British West Indies, or the Bahamas, are a portion of same that may be seen in the present. If the geological survey would be made in some of these especially, or notably in Bimini and in the Gulf Stream through this vicinity, these may be even yet determined." (364-3)

Cayce’s description of Atlantis, being situated at one time in the Atlantic Ocean, is interesting because it is similar to the general location given for it by others in our historical past. In addition, there are a number of myths and folklore descriptions found in the ancient cultures of North, Central and South America which also refer to an "island" that used to exist to the south or east of their lands, presumably in the Atlantic.

When one considers the evidence, and there is a lot available to think about, all fingers point to an island continent that was located in the Atlantic during ancient times. Exactly where, and how far east and south it may have extended, is still debatable.

Edgar Cayce’s description of early life in Atlantis indicates that spirit beings continued to project themselves into existing life-forms, especially those of evolving human-like creatures, in order to get closer to and experience the material world through the five senses. 

The longer these wayward spirits stayed in flesh form over the ages the more difficult it became to move in and out of the material bodies they occupied. Eventually, these souls identified too closely with the bodies they shared and found themselves trapped in the cycle of birth and death. At that point, they were subject to the physical laws of the universe, which includes the wheel of karma and reincarnation.

Who were the human-like creatures these spirits projected into? Were they one of mankind’s close pre-human cousins that appeared simultaneously as the five different races? Is it possible that they were the early human versions of the red race that Cayce said originated in Atlantis? Since he was never asked these questions while in trance, we have no direct answers for them at this moment in time.

Other things were also happening during the beginning of Atlantean times, part of which dealt with sexuality and the path our male and female identities appeared to take, when switching from the spirit realms to the physical world. In a reading he gave for one individual, Cayce said:

"In Atlantean land in those periods before Adam was in the earth among those who were then thought projections and the physical being had the union of sex in one body…" (5056-1)

I find this interesting because it implies that by having "the union of sex in one body" the spirit beings were probably androgynous while in their earlier non-physical form. 

Androgyny is not new. A number of Eastern mystical teachings also point to our male and female oneness or combined sexuality, while we inhabit our natural form, the spirit body. Evidently, during the early stages of material existence for those beings in Atlantis, it remained that way. However, this must have changed over time because, in other readings, Cayce visits the subject of sexuality again, but this time the female and male portions have ruptured and split, as a result of remaining in a physical body:

"in Atlantean land when there were the separation of bodies as male and female." (2121-2),

"in Atlantean land when there was the first division of sexes among first offspring of such division, first of princesses of that period." (2753-2)

These readings also suggest that part of the price to be paid for taking on a physical body is a division of sexuality. If such is the case, is this when the split between twin souls began or did the separation take place at an earlier time? We’ll explore this later on.

The division in sexuality at the physical body level also had its problems. Over time many, but not all of the Sons of God who came to the aid of the lost souls, lost sight of their spiritual origins and values. The physical world had cast its intoxicating spell once again. What was their undoing while in physical form? It was an involvement with sex. With whom? The "daughters of men" who were part of the group that had fallen into materialism. Cayce had this to say:

"In Atlantean land when there were those disturbing forces - or just previous to the first disturbing forces that brought the first destruction in the continent… These were the periods termed in scripture when, ‘the sons of God looked upon the daughters of men and saw them as fair.’"  

As mentioned, the lost souls, referred to as the Sons of Man, were still loved by the Sons of God, who were forced to take on a material form in order to help their friends. As a result, a mixed population of humans, with two distinctly different mindsets, evolved over the ages in Atlantis. One group was caught up in the delights of materialism and selfish desires and showed little respect for the environment. The other group was spiritually oriented with just the opposite motives. Does this sound familiar?

When we look out at the world today, it is becoming quite clear that two distinct groups are also forming and the "tape" is playing over again. This is not surprising. Not only do individuals have karma and many lives, but so do groups of people, as well as whole civilizations. According to Cayce, many of the individuals who were Atlanteans are here again today, with yet another opportunity to make higher and wiser choices.

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