August 15, 2002

Translation of Face And Message

Pointed At Radio Towers


Message Disk

The message consists of 26 words. Interestingly the English alphabet has 26 letters.

The pictures used to decode the text were those taken from of the crop circle

The pictures required orthogonal correction to ensure that as a near as perfect circle was presented. This is so that a view directly above of the circle was used when decoding the contents. Simple contrast enhancement was performed.

The message was decoded by using a marked bit of paper in the following manner... |blank|1|2|4|8|1|2|4|8|. The LSB (Least Significant Bit) is on the left; the MSB (Most Significant bit) is on the right. The paper was curled along the empty separator line, when reading the text. The blank part was placed ion the synchronization bits.

MESSAGE CONTENTS (some missing)

This is the deciphering of the message:

"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. 

Much PAIN but still time. 

(Damaged Word... translates as EELRIJUE or possibly BELIEVE.) 

There is GOOD out there. 



Click for message disk with ET face - full picture

Another Translator Writes:

An e-mail came on August 19 from another Earthfiles viewer who writes about the "word damage by tramlines" above:

"Maybe that 'EELRIJUE' is the name of the place where it is 'GOOD there.' So, no damaged word, but the name of that place. Maybe a star name? Maybe the name of their planet?"

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