Over the
years, a number of mysterious pictographic symbols have emerged that are
associated with ETs, UFOs, and otherworldly writings. There is an intriguing
similarity between these symbols, which suggest they may be of
off-earth origin.
In a 2007 article, UFO researcher Daniela Giordano
describes the experience of an Italian immigrant living in
Canada, and his unique encounter with a UFO.
The morning
after sighting the object, he decided to investigate the site
where the craft had landed not too far from his home. Much
to his surprise, he discovered a
metallic plaque with strange writing
on it.
The copper-like plate is shown in the picture below:

Copper-like plate engraved with
unidentified diagram, was discovered on
November 5, 1967, by L. R., on the grass of the Riverside Municipal Golf
Course in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, after UFO event. |
The size of the plate was 17.3 cm. wide by 12.5 cm. high, and a thickness of
about 1 mm. He took the plate home with him, which was subsequently
photographed by an unnamed individual.
The symbols
on the metallic-like plate resemble "sigils." These hieroglyphic-like
drawings are know throughout ancient times and have different meanings. Some
refer to them as seals, others claim they have a spiritual or mystical
connection, while others say they represent "ideas." Either way, they appear
to be common to pictographs left behind by otherworldly sources.
In the
below image, one can see mysterious symbols that were engraved in a Brazilian
megalithic stone found in Pedra Pinta, which is located in the northern Amazon
River basin of Brazil. These writings were discovered in 1963 by French
archeologist, Professor
Marcel F. Homet. The stone carvings were estimated
to be 10,000 years old.

There have been a number of UFO sightings by many people in the
Stephenville, TX
area. One of the compelling aspects of these sightings is that there
were pictures and videos taken of objects in the skies, which have
traced out symbols that are similar to those shown above and below. Here are
some of those sky symbols drawn on paper:

Hundreds of “symbols” were
videotaped by David Caron when an aerial disc in sky projected
them in multiple, intricately segmented colors near Stephenville, Texas,
municipal airport
on January 19, 2008. See images above and below. |

At the time of the famous crash landing of a UFO in Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947,
Jesse Marcel
recovered objects which contained strange
symbols. Thereafter, his son reproduced those symbols while under hypnosis.
These symbols are shown below:

In 1952,
George Adamski received the following message, reproduced on a restored film
of a saucer in flight in Palomar Gardens, California.
Compare Adamski's message (left) with the table made by the
French archaeologist
Marcel Homet (right), who discovered these engraved
symbols carved into stone in Pedra Pinta, North Amazonia.

Adamski Message

Hormet's Discovery |
On April
24, 1964, police officer
Lonnie Zamora experienced a close encounter with a
UFO in Socorro, New Mexico. He was able to read the below symbol that was
drawn in red on the saucer:

Symbol seen by Lonnie Somora
One has to admit that there is a resemblance between the mysterious symbols
described above and ancient hieroglyphics. As an example, below is the
hieroglyphic transcription made from the original hieratic text of the
Tulli Papyrus.

Egyptian mystery: These hieroglyphs appear to show
helicopters and space ships

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