My UFO Experience
Two UFO Sightings in New Mexico
Witnessed and Photographed
Incident #1
April 3, 1998

On April 3, 1998 Gregg Fisher
and I left Red River, New Mexico during the early morning hours and headed south towards
Roswell, New Mexico. The purpose of our trip was to look for UFO's and visit places of
ufological interest in the Roswell area. Several hours later a shimmering
object was spotted by Gregg hovering in a cloudless sky. At that point
we were just north of where the
Pecos River intersects Route 84 in New Mexico.
Gregg pulled his truck to the side of
the road. We left the vehicle to continue observing the object, which remained in the
same place for about 10 minutes, approximately 35 degrees above the horizon in the south-southwest sky. During that time, it appeared and disappeared several
times, seemingly fading in and out of view when desired.
The object then faded out for about 10 minutes only to reappear in the
south-southeast sky. Gregg observed the object through his binoculars for about 30-40 seconds.
He described it
as an oval-shaped disk with a dome on top, which was rapidly vibrating up and down.
Just as I
began to take pictures with my camera, the disc apparently began a
sequence over the next 5-7 seconds before blinking out of sight.
This was the first of two incidents. The second
incident occurred 30 days
The 5 photographs from the first incident are shown below. Enhanced computer images of
these pictures have been published on this web site.
I am pleased to
say that this experience was documented for publication and accepted by the Mutual UFO
Network (MUFON) journal, which has members and subscribers worldwide. The
article appeared as a feature
story in the July 1999 issue. |