typical "Dark Night" series events might be...
Things in life seem to be going along quite smoothly.
Then, unexpectedly...
The individual has a serious life crisis such as career failure,
divorce, a health problem, a serious addiction, financial
collapse, a near death experience, etc.
or any combination of
such events
At some point the crisis and anguish becomes
so intense
she or he drops to the floor and,
in a climactic
act of desperation, cries out
God, help me!
God begins to help immediately,
most often in ways
that are contrary
to what we expect
(put your
seat belt on at this time!)
The crisis usually jump-starts the search for spiritual truth. Each new
insight we discover brings on the death of an old false belief
we've been programmed to accept throughout our lives.
This starts to seriously threaten our ego
A severe test of faith begins
that can last for months or years
The most important question you can ask yourself
during a spiritual crisis is,
"Can you
believe in God
when the night
is the